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Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!


Life Member
Not soley related to whitetails but had a weekend and monday planned on pulling a few stands and shed hunting. SOunds good to start off with, even having a few Frostys last evening with Ghost Auggie and Indiana Chris. Anyways, this morning, Mrs. Shredder had me doing a little yard work and twisted my back enough to drop me to my knees and not allow me to get up for a few minutes.

I am having a hard time getting motivaed to walk today and can only hope things go better as far as healing goes than the last time this happened. Anybody else ever have this problem????
Been there myself man. I've found that the best thing you can do is just to relax and take it easy for a couple days.
You know, Rudd's back is a little screwed up right now too. Could it be that you guys tried jumping a few too many mud holes on the quad last weekend?

Been there...Done that. Hurts like he**!!! Just take it easy and try not to rush it. Funny how the littlest things can set it off. I get muscle spasms in my lower back and they can drop you to your knees. Once I was at a basketball game and bent over to pick up a program on the bleacher below me. Thats all it took. Had one heck of a time getting home. Take care of it.
Shredder- I thought that Vets had their own little black bag? The ones I know all have "good" stuff.
otherwise not much for spasms OTC. Rest, unless Mrs Shredder wants to massage it a bit.
I over did it as well yesterday. Was out cutting a load of firewood, felt the lower back tightening. I had a really bad bout with back pains in Jan. '02. I spent 9 days on the living room floor, couldn't even make it upstairs to bed. Screamed just rolling over. Went to the Orthopeadic clinic, they gave me some exercises to do..YEAH, RIGHT. Went to my MD, got the help I needed to tough through it. It was a wake up call for me, went on a diet and I have lost almost 65 lbs. Figured I'd lighten the load for the back. Reading about lower back pain, I saw more than once that alcohol can be a contributing factor. Thought it odd that you mentioned you knocked back a few the night before. Dang, don't think I can go quite that far as to not have a barley pop or two on occasion.

One of the meds that my MD told me to take is ibuprofren. I took a couple last night, and it helped me get a good night sleep. Like a dang'd fool, I'm outside tearing it up again today.

Did manage to get in a shed hunt yesterday. Found a small 4 point, and an old buck skull. The skull was in pretty bad shape, nose gone, could only tell it was a buck by the pedicles. No antlers laying around it, don't know if it died after shedding, or if the vermin chewed them all up. Walked the rest of the place this morning, nothing.

Take care, as someone who's been there, you have my sympathy.
Got talked into a painball game a few years ago and that night I had to crawl on my knees to get to the can!

Aleve works pretty good.

Ibuprofen is my friend. If I am in some kind of exercise routine I do a lot better, but the last time this happened to me I was jogging and BAM. What a drag. It’s hell growing up.
Have had severe back pain since last Sunday. Shed hunted for 4 hours Friday (Chiro said the walking would do me good) Tough getting out of bed Saturday....then removed sheetrock in our clubs indoor range for 7 hours....felt like a truck hit me today. Babied all day til my buddy drug me out to look for some sheds this afternoon....hitting the Aleve and pillow early tonight.
I feel for ya. I've had back problems for twelve years and I'm only 24. My family has a history of bad backs. One thing I learned from my dad was to Ice for 1/2 hour then Heat for 1/2 hour to contract the muscles to loosen them. Hope you get to feeling better.
Back spasms are the worst. I'd take bum knee or shoulder any day. At least you would still be able to wipe your own a$$ !
is this the sort of stuff i can expect to experience when i finally get to be over the age of 30??

Did mine last month. I was coaching 8th grade basketball and demonstrating a defensive slide when I felt a shrap pain in my back. The next morning I could not get out of bed. Two days later I finally went to the chriopractor and found out I had a slipped vertebrae. I always thought that chriopractors were quacks, my tune has changed
It sucks to get old.

Muddy- Your time is coming

I never had a bit of back trouble until I was the ripe age of 32. Once was all it took, I have little mini bouts with my back now.

Get on an exercise routine and stick to it, I found I would do the execises and quit when I got to feeling better. I found the better shape I stay in the less pain I endure. Back pain sucks, but I think most comes from not being in at least a little bit of shape!

Yep, sucks to get old.

Shredder- don't wait any longer..You need to go get it adjusted and more than once. I turned wrong during the summer and could not move 6 inches at a time. It took about 3 weeks but back to normal now.
I swallowed my manly pride and went to a (quack medicine) Chiropractor and only after my wife went first.

We were both having some problems around ages 36-40. I finally had one that put me to my knees begging for mercy.

These situations may not apply to all but the first thing we did besides get adjusted was get rid of our waterbed at the Chiropractors recommedation.

That solved at least 50% of our back troubles.

I have also lost about 50# of extra weight I was carrying which between the 2 changes I made has made my previous back problems all but non existant. I could probably stand to do some regular situps etc...to help as well.

I have since acknowledged Chiropractors as something fairly legitimate.
If you ever study that chart they have that shows what regions effect the parts of the body and think about your health history it might actually make you a believer.
Strong abs = a lot less back problems. They are your body's center of power and provide core strength, aid balance and help prevent lower back injuries. And find yourself a good chiropractor!
Shredder- I'll second the above chiropractor suggestion-it's what I do. I'd be glad to try to help you find someone if you're interested-what town are you in? Ice and ibuprofen are helpful for the inflammation, but if something is out of line-the adjustment is the right thing to do. Do you have any radiating pain/numbness into the legs?
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