IowaWhitetail Addict
Hey all,
These are two bucks that I have gotten pics of out of the window of my car.
The 8point is a solid 200 maybe 250 off the road, and my Im leaning on the car window and didnt shut the car off so thats why this is one is blury.
And this guy... Yea he is about 40yards off the road. And the second pic is about 40 yards on the other side of the road. He was a BIG bodied deer.
These are two bucks that I have gotten pics of out of the window of my car.
The 8point is a solid 200 maybe 250 off the road, and my Im leaning on the car window and didnt shut the car off so thats why this is one is blury.
And this guy... Yea he is about 40yards off the road. And the second pic is about 40 yards on the other side of the road. He was a BIG bodied deer.