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P32 ?


Well-Known Member
Is anyone using a 1Gb memory card in the P32's? If so, do you notice any difference in picture quality? Do they even accept a full gig? New to homebrews...

I should have a P32 in the mail today and the only dang memory card I can find in this town is a 256 or a 1 gig.

I think I read in the new moultrie directions that the higher the memory card you sacrifice quality. Not sure why.
The size of your memory card should make no difference in your picture quality. I am using 512s in my p41s and getting 249 pictures and half battery power so the only draw back I can see to using a gig memory stick is you may run out of battery power.
while you can put a bigger card in the p32, it will slow the cam down and you WILL NOT get any photos. In a p32 a 256mb is the max size.
while you can put a bigger card in the p32, it will slow the cam down and you WILL NOT get any photos. In a p32 a 256mb is the max size.

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I just pulled a 512mb stick from my p32/pixcontroller setup and had pics.

Not sure if this makes a difference or not but I never use anything except Sony Memory Stick Pro sticks. I was having intermittant problems and the guys on Jesse's suggested using only Sony Mem Stick Pro.
ive used both in mine, but was using a bg2. My guess is the pix board just has a longer delay than the bg2. The bg2's were optimized for fast triggers. Plus the p32's are not 100% the same, some are just plain faster than others.
Plus the p32's are not 100% the same, some are just plain faster than others.

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All the p32 cams I have used all reacted differently on trigger speeds.
I just bought 4 P32's. How big of a variation can I expect in trigger speed. I have never own one before today and have only used P41s up until now.

Also with out the BG2's availability what board do you guys like?

The variation is small, but it can affect the larger cards. Keepem 256 or lower and all is good.
No Slave with a p32.... S600 you don't need a slave I know. Jason has made a pile of those I think, he will know for sure
they are ideal over bait or scrapes. They work just fine, ideal no but i can live with it. It comes down to how you use them.
Jason...... I'm thinking about doing a few P32 IR's. Is the bfoutdoors site you posted the best place to pick up the parts needed to do this project. Thanks.............
I thought I read the S600 was a real wild card for focus in the IR mod.

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correct, i do not recommend it.
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