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PMA Member
I really like the pictures I see posted from the P41's & am tempted to try to build a trail camera. How much would be a reasonable price to pay for a used P41?
I've been watching them on eBay lately and used P41s seem to be fetching around $160-180. I think they list new for around $270.
I bought one 2 months ago for $50-$60 dollars shipped. Can't remember the exact price right now but I don't think it was over $60. I wouldn't spend over $125, a better time to be looking is in February and March, less poeple are trying to build cams then it seems.
New price from walmart 3 years ago $199, Ebay price now $180. WOW.

The p41 gets alot of press, but a p32, p52 will take just as good of pics. The p31 will do the same as well, but it a tough hack and you can only use a 64 meg card.

Good luck, not too many of them left out there right now.
I've got 3 s600's. Thier slower, 3-4 second triggers, but they have the best flash out there, 6mp pic quality, and they are $50-$100 cheaper than a P41. The P41 still makes a better cam though due to the trigger speed. A wide angle fresnel definately helps the s600.
Really it depends where you plan to use the cam.
I've been keeping a close eye on ebay, hard to believe what the P41's are bringing. I looked at the P52's but wasn't sure about the configuration of the camera. I am looking for a quick trigger & 4mp quality.

My old non-typical 35mm camera bit the dust & I bought a LR IR4BU this year but am really disapointed so far. I'm missing out on some good photo opportunites this year & am getting frustrated. I admit I have become adicted to the trail cam frenzy & it's kinda like bow season has started & I have no reliable weapon!
cool, I bid on one of the s600's on ebay for my first build, if I don't screw it up I think I'll try the p41 next.. this trailcam stuff is addicting! It's like hunting season starts in June and when you get a trophy it only costs you the paper you print it on to get it on the wall!
I built a few with 600's I think it's a good camera. But it is slower harder on the batteries and to be honest I think the flash is almost to strong. Take a 41 set the flash to + set the picture to fine and you will get no better pic's. I have a 600 with a printer on ebay right now.
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