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Paddlefish Question


Active Member
I was watching a show on the educational channel last night when some "expert" started talking about paddlefish. He stated that they "Eat their own". I thought this a bit strange since I always though they ate plankton.
I know Muddy is our resident fish biologist, maybe he or anybody can shed some light on this?
Was this guy on TV wrong?
Well, I would say that it's possible that adult paddlefish would be swimming around straining plankton and that some of the eggs or little fry could end up inside them, but I highly doubt that an adult paddlefish is actively seeking to do this. I would say that the guy on TV was partially correct, leaning towards stupid, but that is just my opinion.
Ya, they definately will not seek prey. The swim with their mouths open to feed, so I'm sure they end up with some fry, eggs, etc, like Muddy said.
Ive always read that they strictly feed on plankton. But ive heard of a few people catching them on worms. Theres also a video on youtube of some serious rednecks catching one on a jug with a worm on the end of it.

Danny are you ready to tear into some spoons this spring.
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