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Paper tune question....


PMA Member
Can anyone walk me through the paper tuning process, and how to do it at home. I have never done it before, and may or may not get time to go to the archery shop to have it done. Any one good at this that can help me out? I just got a new Alphamax and it is set up and shooting great out to 50 yards. I have been grouping 5 arrows easily in a 3 inch diameter circle at 30 yards. I figure I should give this a try to see if I can zero things in any closer.

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See if this link will help???? :)


Thanks for the link. Duh, I never even thought of googling it. I am going to give it a try at home, and see what my shots look like.
3in at 50yards? If thats the case I REALLY doubt you have a tuning issue. However, putting a broadhead on will really tell you.

You can also bare shaft tune.
Sorry, I looked at my post again and I see I miss spoke a bit. I sighted in to 50 and am shooting good. The 3 inch groups are no problem at 30 yards. Not shooting that many arrows at 50. Sorry for the confusion.(Sometimes my mind goes faster than my fingers can type.)
3in groups at 50yards is money/award type shooting.

With a broadhead on you will find out if you have any tuning issues.
Like some have suggested on here before...After you get that unit paper tuned, then walk back tune as well. Be sure to leave no stone unturned.
I shot last nigh at 30 yards and was having a heck of a time. ( I have only had the bow since last Saturday.) I was shooting at 30 yards and my first six were all over. My next six, I group 4 close enough they were all touching and two way off of that. i started to think maybe it was the arrows. Then I noticed that my peep was turned a bit. i am going bback to the shop to see what they can help me with.
I had a trophy taker...It kept creaping forward when I was at full draw. I would shoot 3 or so arrows just fine, and then have 1 or 2 flyers. Frustrating situation for sure.
Yes, I am frustrated. I could not make it to the shop this past weekend. I shot again though and at 20 yards was spot on. At 30, I again was inconsistant. has me wondering of many factors now. Am wondering if it could be what i am shooting at and, and that I am trying to hold on to small of a spot. (If that makes sense) I am shooting at a bag target with a bunch of small bullseyes on it. at 30 yards it is hard to see, a friend suggested zoning in on a larger spot, something I can see behind my pin easier. He thinks I may be drifting around a bit trying to see the spot.
Well I made it to the shop this weekend and found out that the bow was paper tuned when they set it up for me. I told them what was going on and the trouble I was having with the peep too, come to find out that the bow was a little out of time. I was scheduled to take it in after 200 shots anyway to check for that, which I had surpassed. They put the cams back in time and all was good again. I took a pic of a 3 arrow group I shot at 30 yards this after noon. Thanks for your input. It says I am not allowed to add attachments so I hope this link works.

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