Past memories


Active Member
I was looking through some of my older items in my gallery tonight.
I happened to come across this video clip from last year.
I know he made it through the winter, and I believe I have seen him once this summer already. I hope he continues to grow. He added about 30 inches last year, I hope he does it again!

Anybody else have a specific buck that they are looking for?
Thats what i said when i saw it.

Heres what he looked like by october.
If he put on 30 more inches that will be one heck of a deer. What am I saying he was one heck of a deer last year. That would be a complete monster!
hey vman you might want to take this hunting tip into consideration! now i don't give these good tips to just anyone, anyways here ya go: you need to get a look at his rack that he has this year because if he gained 30 inches this year and 30 inches last year, i don't know about you guys but i would consider this being some kind of pattern, so therfore if i were you vman if you think that he has gained 30 inches this year let him walk for the next 30 years. with any kind of luck this strange pattern might continue. just think that is 900 inches of extra growth, and that would put him scoring somewhere i'm guessing 1080. that deer will never be beat!
can't believe i just set there and typed all that out!
awesome deer though and good luck
and yes i have been beaten repeatedly with the stupid stick!
I am expecting a little jump in this guy for this season, assuming he is stil around. No word of anyone killing him but his sheds were not found and a large bodied dead buck was found near where this pic was taken.

By the way, I have a digital up on the same tree right now in hopes of getting a new pic