Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Patiently waiting


death from above
Been watching this guy for 2 nights in row waiting for him to leave me a gift :) You can bet I'll be looking hard for those sheds. His left beam is snapped off just past his G3, but if he was intact I think he would be around the 180" mark as a slick 10. Couple other good ones in this field also. Took this pic through my spotting scope on my cell phone (so doesn't really do him justice). I'll try to get some better pics and video tomorrow. :way: FWIW, he gets pushed around by some of the smaller deer in the field, and he doesn't look particularily old to me. If he is 4, I'm scared to see what he looks like next year.

Wowzers! I'll definitely be looking to hear the inches of that right side! If he would put some more mass on next year.....lookout!
DOH! What a stud...call me crazy and I know he is a ways away in the pic that is from a cell through a scope but I think he looks young. Good luck dedgeez! Good work on the pic by the way!
Wow. I would also like to see more pictures. His face looks young and mass of his bases looks small. He doesn't look 4.5 to me. Might be a stud 3.5. More pictures would definately help. If he is in the rifle zone you better hope he doesn't shed for a coulpe weeks! He will definately be on your hit list next year. Good luck finding his sheds and better luck hunting him next year.
I'll take my good camera and video camera tomorrow night. This pic truly doesn't do him justice. He honestly reminds me (frame wise) of the Hansen buck. I know that's a stretch, but I look at a lot of deer throughout the year and few have ever got me excited like this guy. I late muzzy hunted this property and knew there were some great deer in there but have 0 pics of him and no prior sightings. So it really IMO is a crapshoot that he will even be in the area next fall. I scout pretty much year around and you can bet I will be devoting a lot of time into this guy. For now it would just be nice to pic up that right side :grin:

I watched him for 35 minutes tonight through a 60 power spotting scope at 175 yards and if intact I think he would be right around 184 - 186" As a slick 10 that I feel is 4, he has the potential to be world class next year. Hopefully I can share the story if one unfolds! :way:
Hansen buck is the first one that came to mind when I saw this pic. I wanna see some up close shed pics and then in 10 months see one with you behind him.
Wow...he looks young too. How old do you think? Another year and some additional mass to him possibly and BOOM!! Dang, he is going to be a slob next year! Oh and yes, like earlier post. WE WANT DAILY UPDATES with PICURES PLEASE!!!
If he puts any mass on like some have said, he will be special. Beautiful buck and he does look YOUNG!

Very cool! Let us know if you find the sheds.

Is the buck on your property or did you just see him from the road, etc.?
Dang nice! If he is young it would not be unheard of to put on 30" or 40" on next years frame! Good luck with him! :way:
Special buck right there, I'd be out there every night watching until he drops. Meanwhile, we'll also be patiently waiting to see the ATLs and pics of you holding the sheds! :D

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