Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Life Member
Better A:


Better B:


A: 3" 1 7/8oz #5, 40 yards 12ga turkey choke Winchester Super X copper plated lead
B: 3" 2oz #5, 40 yards 12ga turkey choke Federal Mag Shok copper plated lead.

Shot off a bench rest. I circled all the pellet holes with black marker, doesn't show up the best in the photos. "A"'s pattern was mostly within 35" with about 4 pellets outside. "B"'s pattern was mostly within 48" with several outside the 48", but "B" had more shot in what I would call the kill zone. It seems "B" has more pellets in the core than "A" but "A" has an over all tighter pattern.

Now, what I don't know, "B" has 1/8th oz more shot, does this mean it has more pellets or they have the same number of pellets with "B"'s pellets being heavier? I was going to count how many pellets were on the news print, but I was too distracted by the excruciating pain in my shoulder.

Which load should I use?

The back of the target after six shots:


The 'Bonker
Use the heavier weight as it has the higher pellet count, as long as it is patterning better.
Just by looking at the turkey target I would use the B load. FYI, a heavier shot payload in Ounces= more pellets. There's no better way to ruin a perfectly good shoulder than patterning a turkey gun.
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