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Pedistal Mount


New Member
For you guys who have pedistal mounts, would you mind showing a picture of the pedistal? I'm trying to figure out what kind of pedistal I want, and not having much luck coming up with anything.

Do you have any sheds from that buck you shot nanny?

was editing the dang photo, anyway, check that pic out now. pretty basic ped, really like it.
I don't have any full length pics handy, but these may give you an idea. One of them is made with old barn wood and the other is made with red cedar. The barn wood one has a wider base and narrower top. The cedar one is a square all the way up. The forms now a days come with two 1/2" rods in them to secure to pedestal (if you weren't aware). These two have one 3/4" rod about 10" above the pedestal. Hope this helps. I do love how they look, my next one is coming and will upgrade the one currently on the barn wood. Hope this helps!

Are you looking for base ideas or forms? For forms, I think the Joe Meder Profile Pedistal is the best looking
I used a Meder wall pedestal form for this one and put it on an old hedge fence post that I pulled from my grandmas field. Worked pretty good.

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