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Perfect morning conditions?

Just killing some time here...was just wondering what your idea of the perfect morning is. I've found myself saying "this is a perfect morning" several times this year, with different conditions. Generally calm and cool, but sometimes there's been heavier frost on, or overcast skies, light drizzle, dense fog, or a dusting of snow. So, what's your perfect morning?
I am sure I am different then most, but my perfect hunting conditions are 20+ mph winds and cloudy. Maybe snow or light rain. My top 4 bucks that I have been blessed to have taken all were shot in these conditions.
Yep, wouldn't have guessed that! My best buck was actually in the afternoon, on a probably 50-60 degree bright sunny day! Next best was on a windy morning of a 75 degree day! Got a shot at a pretty good 12 pt last year on a raining morning, just after the rain stopped. Was still windy tho. These were all in the Nov. 5-10 range.
I like at least 10mph winds just so you can get into your stand. Calm mornings are great for hearing things, but make getting into a stand a nightmare for that reason!
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