Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

PETA ad on IW?


The Hunt Never Ends....
So, curious....why am I seeing a PETA banner ad on IW? Just wondering? Not sure what advertising scheme IW runs (google search engine, highest payer, etc), but that just seems crazy to me. Nobody has been looking at PETA on this computer, and likely never will.

Just wondering why I'm seeing this? :thrwrck:
My views or buying decisions have NEVER been swayed by an internet ad.

I think they are all wasting their money because I'm more prone to not support their business because of ads.
I think Thomas had something to do with it. He's all butt-hurt because he's sick for NYE and his Packers lost! :D
Have been hearing alot of Humane Society commercials on the radio and TV, asking for donations. They make me sick. always showing suffering,,sad,, little puppies and kittens. Appealing to emotion, to cover their real agenda!
Have been hearing alot of Humane Society commercials on the radio and TV, asking for donations. They make me sick. always showing suffering,,sad,, little puppies and kittens. Appealing to emotion, to cover their real agenda!

They need it, because they are paying millions out right now in lawsuits. Ringling brothers won a lawsuit against them of about 10 million and they are also being audited for tax fraud and improper use of a charity.
I just try to focus on the " Women that need big bras", and Some chick in my area that needs some lov'in" ad's!!! :way: What more ya need from a "hunting" site?????????!!!! :way:
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