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PETA Drones

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I think that's an outstanding idea!!! Has there ever a been a time when PETA could actually help hunters? Think about it, they are looking for lawbreakers. Poachers. People doing things that make hunters look bad.

This is a win-win for hunters. One of two things will happen, more poachers will be caught or PETA will get pissed that they're helping us out and quit. In which case we get to stick it to PETA. Awesome.:way: I never would have guessed I would support anything that group would do but...here it is.
T.I.P. goes high tech.

On the flip side, I am not opposed to protecting an individuals right to privacy. Should this become abused, well, I guess folks will get a new perspective and get to see what the ducks and pheasant do when the Black Cloud passes over head!
If one of those ever flew low over my place I could easily where I would confuse it for a pigeon...BOOM! :D
"To capture hunter with death on their mind". I wonder of they can read minds too? Doesn't hunting usually involve a death of an organism?. Maybe I will follow a PETA supporter around and count the organisms they kill. Oh wait that's impossible with out a microscope.. looks like we can't eat anything because almost everything is living.
You'd think those drones could easily be used as a tool to obstruct hunters in the field; using the noise or flying them low to run off deer woulld be super tempting for those nut jobs.

If you look on page 14 of the Iowa DNR hunting and trapping regulations booklet it states that no one may intentionally obstruct the participation of another in the lawful activity of hunting and trapping. I just hope it doesn't come to that. I heard a story once of a PETA person getting fined for driving up and down a roadway honking the horn when they knew a hunter was in the vicinity. I'd definitely shoot one down if I saw one low enough!
I'd say they are taking it a little far if this us a true story. That being said, if they were flying around my head, I wouldn't hesitate to sacrifice one arrow (our two if I had time) to put that thing to rest....
This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. These folks at PETA are absolutely psycho and irrational. There is not a chance that an organization like that can run drones for surveillance...totally illegal in so many ways.
TH, sorry I couldn't resist this...

You think you could actually hit one if you decided to shoot it?

I kid, I kid. Again, sorry, couldn't resist. ;-)
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