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PETA.... troubling


Bowhunting Addict
I just saw on the ESPN website that CBS rejected to run two commercials during the Super Bowl.... the one commercial was by PETA promoting vegetarianism. The troubling part is that these commercials cost millions of dollars!!!! The PETA financial coffers must run much deeper than I realize.... it is only time until the 'right' political administration gets into power and the anti-hunting floodgates begin to open.... I hope everyone who loves our favorite past time will make a decision this year to get involved in a strong conservation/prohunting organization on a national and state level this year..... we cannot afford to sit on the sidelines any longer!
PETA SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
nothing more natural than this, would never trade excelorated beef for tofu. that is some nasty [censored]

what are some good organizations to get involved in?
Id like to to do more, but really dont know where to go???
Join the bowhunting organization in your particular state, the NRA for sure. PETA is here to stay and will be a battle for the hunters and conservationists of this country long after we are gone.

Do what we can by joining multiple organizations and taking a stand NOW!
I wish we would'nt discuss the backpack and binocular crowd on this site, it's the weekend for crying out loud! I just cracked a frosty and now my beer has been tanted with peta piss. There is that other Iowa deer web site that spends alot of time whining about those loosers. Nothing makes that group happier than to know they are getting under our skin so I would hope we could just ignore them. "Don't give them the time of day give your money to the NRA"
Sorry about babbling on but they get way to much press as it is. Now if you will excuse me I have to dump this beer out and get a fresh one.
Hunt on All4s
Geeze All4s, a little grumpy today are we?

Have another beer. Have two.
I apologize everyone I have the deer hunting blues. And I have not been on a date in awhile
so I guess a little peta talk just put me ove the edge. Now Iowa just lost to Ill. What else could go wrong?
Kat, just cracked beer #3 good idea
Volunteer to help at outdoor kid's event's wether it be with Pheasant,duck's the NWTF or whoever,it's alot of fun and ultimitly they will be the one's that decide if hunting remain's in our heritage or not,As an nwtf volunteer we hold a JAKES day event every year to educate kid's on all aspect's of the outdoor's and it still amaze's me how many 10 year old's have never been fishing or shot a BB gun,but once they do they love it!!!Get involved with a conservation group in your area and promote this idea to them if they do not already have something like this going on,It's really worth every bit of effort put forth.

I may be new and never posted but i thought P.E.T.A stood for People Eating Tasty Animals????
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