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Piebald Doe


Well-Known Member
Unique. Would you shoot?
Any of you see a piebald’s regularly?



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If I was doe hunting, I wouldn't hesitate harvesting her. I've got some piebald on one of my mounted bucks, but haven't seen much of it in the field.
I'll be the odd man out. I'd let her go just for the fun of seeing her on occasion. I've had a doe with a white spot on her forehead on my property for years. She was off limits on my ground. It's amazing how old some of those does can get. (I haven't seen her yet this year, she may have finally died) It always added a little something to my evening if I happened to spot her.
Nothing wrong with taking them either, I just think it'd be fun to watch for her.
I'll be the odd man out. I'd let her go just for the fun of seeing her on occasion. I've had a doe with a white spot on her forehead on my property for years. She was off limits on my ground. It's amazing how old some of those does can get. (I haven't seen her yet this year, she may have finally died) It always added a little something to my evening if I happened to spot her.
Nothing wrong with taking them either, I just think it'd be fun to watch for her.

X2. What’s the point of harvesting her out of any other doe? The “cool” social media need me some atta boys and likes post?

She’d be a very noticeable and easy Doe to follow around on your farm. Document her success each spring while fawning, watch grow old, etc etc.

Guess the older I get the more I get attached to building history with the herd I hunt each year.
I've changed my mind. I'd harvest her if I were starving, but it would b pretty cool to keep her around, and possibly throw off more pie bald offspring.
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