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Pit Blind Hunting


New Member
Last year I made a pit blind trying to see if I could ambush real monster in Buffalo County. Saw and could harvested a number of does. I eventually lost out to the land owner. . Raw score 191 +
Has anyone had any success using a pit blind ? Actually seems pretty confining. According to the land owner there are bigger ones. Still have the pit blind but also plan on putting up a ground blind about a month before to have another option.
I love hunting in pit blinds. Every year I dig several in my standing corn that I leave up for the deer. Usually 6-8 rows back. It has always been a great way to get real close bow shots for my kids,but my three biggest bucks have all been taken from a pit blind. My buck last year was from a deep pit with a primos vision blind over it. Great thing is you can dig it out deep enough to stand for the shot with benched seats dug out. With the kids, I dig it out 6-8 rows back, and stitch the cornstalks together good ,giveing a real close slam dunk bow shot. The shot angle shooting slightly up at them is great for penatration. I gave up treestand hunting 5 years ago and my success rate has gone way up since.
We have a guy around here that hunts an old farm that has been over grown with cedars. He gets down in the cave/cellar and he always takes a deer every year from it.
pit blind

We tried it one year in a picked corn field that bordered a state park. Deer would cross the road in one particular spot that had no cover. We dug a blind and put a few bales around it. It worked well, we could have shot several deer, and almost got a crack at a nice buck...someone drove down the road as the big buck was about to cross. :rolleyes:
Under a small pine tree.

I dug mine under a small pine tree on a entering point next to a food plot. One of my questions is this a good way to target an individual deer or this a better set up for deer in general. I live about two hours away and haven't been able to pattern good enough. I probably had 10-15 does with in 10 yards during the season.

Maybe a better way would be to put it right in the food plot . This place has way to many does which makes it even harder. Last year my buddy and I sat in an elevated stand about 100 yards from the pit blind and watched 16 does walk with in 10 yards of it and enter the food plot. No bucks.:way:
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