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Planting walnuts


New Member
Anyone ever try converting cedar thicket into walnut? The areas im looking at doing the trees are good sized and there isnt much growth underneath them of anything. Would it be best to ring some trees and then plant the nuts so somemore sun reaches the ground or clear the cedars completely, or maybe even plant the nuts in the ground then drop a bunch of cedars and leave them on the ground to help keep deer off of whatever walnuts grow. Just curious what way would be best Ive been told to get good walnuts its best they grow in a kind of thick area so they shoot straight up to try to get more sun that is why I was personally thinking about trying to just ring the trees and plant a bunch of nuts but Im also curious if anyone has tried this
Well im not opposed to doing oaks as well but I figured walnut would do better in the cedar thickets because ive heard they are more shade tollerant and grow faster, also trying to get some more variety because i have only a handful of walnut trees but quiet a few shingle and some bur oaks
What’s the soil like? Walnuts like pretty deep rich black soil. Clearly do best on bottom ground. With that said…. They do grow easily & fast about anywhere. Just won’t be ideal site for them most likely unless it’s really good dirt. I remember about 20 years ago I had a farm with zero walnuts. I picked up walnuts in yards & filled my truck bed. Spread em out in the open areas. That’s it. Tons of walnuts came up. Maybe I got lucky but it worked. I can direct seed, bury seed, plant seedlings, tube some, etc etc.
I’d look at major diversity on top of walnuts. I’d do em but do lots of other trees and shrubs as well
Well im not opposed to doing oaks as well but I figured walnut would do better in the cedar thickets because ive heard they are more shade tollerant and grow faster, also trying to get some more variety because i have only a handful of walnut trees but quiet a few shingle and some bur oaks
I would probably need more information on what your plan is . Depends on if you clear the cedar or take some out.
I was thinking a diverse oak/walnut planting would be good for wildlife & some future timber value.

Like Skip said, soils would be critical.
There is some spots the soil is pretty good in the bottum closer to the creek and there are other spots more up on a hill that wouldnt be as good I dont believe, but would still like to do something. I would like to try doing as little work in some of these areas as possible because I have other areas that tie up alot of my time where I actually completely clear the trees and pile them and burn them, but doing that takes so much of my time id just like to try something else in these less desirable areas to still have decent long term results instead of just a permanent cedar thicket. I should add I only own a chainsaw and a 4 wheeler so my progress is pretty slow in really thick areas where im actually trying to completely cut and clear.
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