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Please educate me on the Shotgun seasons


New Member
Please educate me on the late muzzleloader season

Been reading for awhile on here but first post. I live in Louisiana but have a lease in Putnam co, MO. It's pretty decent hunting. Im interested in hunting Iowa for the late season shotgun but have some questions. I've been doing all the research I could on the net but apparently I don't have the 'google fu'. Where can I find the odds of getting a tag for the shotgun season in area 4/5. Also how hard is it to find a place to hunt that late in the year. Have most of the local quit or tagged out by then. I know some of the land I have in MO I can do everything but gun hunt on because that's all the land owner cares about is shooting a few deer for meat. Most of them will call me and let me hunt the gun hunt after about 2-3 days after they have killed what they wanted. Just kinda wondering how things worked in Iowa with the late ML season. I know a lot of the deer will be busted up but I'd still like to try it. So basically any information on the shotgun hunts will be a big help.
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If you happen to be one of the guys who lease around Powersville i am just North of you in Iowa. If you pm me I will be happy to call/e-mail you with some helpful info......thanks.
The late season shotgun is called second season which runs the following weekend after first season. The shotgun seasons are the first two weeks of Dec. and many hunters prefer the second season.

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This is all I can find. Doesn't break it down into seasons but does tell you how many applied and how many of those were for bow season. So with some math you should be able to figure out the odds of drawing a gun tag as a whole. Not real sure what you can expect for hunting pressure. A lot of space out there, if you put your time in you should be able to find a spot.
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