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I finally got around to setting up my LW alpha in a tree a few days ago. I bought it months ago and it has been setting in the garage. I really do not like the way my first test run went. Getting the first 2 sticks up was a no brainer. From there I didn't care much for the set-up. I know this is going to take a little getting used to after using nothing but ladder stands and climbers.

I have a HSS vest and bought a lineman's belt for it. I felt fine hanging the 3rd stick, but pitched the 4th one to the ground. Figured I didn't need to fall an extra 4 feet if things went bad.I had to unhook my linemans belt every foot or two up to get around limbs. I didn't like the feeling of not being strapped in half the way up the tree. I climbed back down to get the stand. I haven't worked up a backpack system yet, so I awkwardly carried it to the top. Hanging the stand sucked , even with that hook they give you. Then when I was trying to step out onto the stand, the bottom kept kicking out on it and I found myself hugging the tree to keep from falling out. I finally got in the stand and had to climb back out to level the platform. I sat in the alpha for 2 minutes and I was ready to get my feet back on the ground.

I enjoyed the Summit Viper's comfy cozy chair last fall, and the security of being fully enclosed in that thing. I took many after lunch siestas in that thing last fall. It was just limiting me too much as to where I could set up. Thats why I bought a LW.

I know I should've been out months ago practicing with this thing, but I couldn't find the motivation. Besides that, I had way too many bad encounters with chiggers this summer to want to spend any more time in the woods than I had to.

I need to hear how you LW veterans go about setting up your sticks and stand as quickly, quietly, and SAFELY as possible. I am going to use this as an evening only stand until I am extremely comfortable with the set-up. I would not even consider setting up in the dark for awhile. I guess I will have to get used to the small seat and platform or else there will be a like-new LW in the classifieds soon
you said a mouthful when you said you should have been practicing months ago. if you have a telephone pole or a straight tree on the way to work just practice in the ditch a few times before you take it out. i also suggest using it on evening sits first, and when you leave do it before it gets dark.

i put each stick on individually without trailing them up hooked together. first stick, second stick no problem. third one i just strap to the tree but make sure i do it without rushing and i always have 3 contact points on the tree. fourth stick the same as the third. make sure each time you set a stick to pull out on the bottom of it and pull down, it'll seat better. for the stand i just climb up with the stand on my back like a pack, i get situated up there and slip my arm through the cables so the stand opens up and i hug the stand to the tree with my arm. i'll feed the strap around and loosely tighten it up. raise up the platform and then cinch the strap down, when you lower the platform it'll tighten up for you. i never use the hook to hang the stand, i just use the versa button and i'm fine. if you use the hook and have the V bracket on the back of the stand you'll have problems. once you throw that stand up and down a few times you'll change your tune, i was the same way until i got used to it all. if you're used to ladder stands than you're in a whole new world right now.
Thanks Muddy. Do use a lineman's belt, or do you just hug the tree? I was planning on scrapping the hook thingy. I know I should've been practicing earlier, but there's just so many carp that need killed around here I couldn't help myself. My latest addiction has taken away from preparing for deer season. But I didn't plan on hunting October as hard this year as I did last year anyway. By the time the rut hit last year, I think I had scared most of the deer off the property

The oaks I have in my yard are too big around be use for practice. I don't know that I want to be climbing any power poles, so I will just head out to the local park tomorrow and freak out a few soccer moms.
I just got mine yesterday. I love it so far. It was my first time setting up anything like this just like you. Im not a veteran by any means but just make sure you sinch it all down really well. I try to snug the steps in real good before i try to jump on also. Im going to stick with the versa button aproach, because it is really secure for me. Im 275lb so for that stability and quietness i cant say enough. Try the versa button i think you'll like it alot, and like muddy said sinch the top tight first, then lift the platform up and with it in the raised position sinch the top tight all the way. Bring the platform back down sinch the bottom and she should be sturdy. Im definately glad i spent the money on mine. GOOD LUCK......
i hug the tree (three contact points at all time) unless it's a mongo tree. i have a big wingspan so it's not too difficult for me to go that way. a linemans belt is probably the smartest way to go. learn that way and you'll be better off for it. i just trust that if i fall kratz will at least gps my body location.
It made me snicker to read your story, because I had a similar experience my first time out with the LW. I don't think I have ever sweat so much in my life. But, like everything else, it is going to be a battle until you develop a system that works for you. Stay with it, being portable is a beautiful thing.
Here is my routine(and keep in mind this is a tree that I have already prepped-shooting lanes and branches).

1)Put #1 stick on, crawl up and put #2 stick on
2)loosen up the straps on stick #3 & #4 and put them around my shoulder...crawl up...put #3 on...crawl up and put #4 on...crawl down
3)Loosen up the two straps on the stand. Put the stand on my back(using shoulder straps), grab my EZ hanger, climb back up to put the stand on and to put up the EZ Hanger. Crawl back down.
4)Put more clothes on, Put my backpack on and put the pull rope on my bow.
5)Get back up in the tree, pull up my bow, put my release on and get settled in.

Yes it does take practice and once you pull this feat off a few times...it gets faster and faster because you know the routine. With 3 sticks, I found that I could eliminate one time of crawling down the tree(go up the tree with stick #3 and the stand), but with 4 sticks...I just haven't found a different way.

I have been meaning to get this done this year, but not sure it's going to happen. I can't really stand the "TING" sound the sticks make when they hit each other. So I was going to get the rubber tool handle dipping stuff to deaden the sound they make. I've heard that it works well. And by all means, if someone sees any error in my routine or can suggest something to make it go quicker, I'm all ears.
Yep, the first few times I was like "what is the big deal about these things"... I won't buy anything else 3. now.

Anyway you have already resigned to the fact that they are not as comfortable as a climber. So you are having a little difficulty with the hanging routine.

Here is mine. There is a ton of ways to hang the sticks.

I use the treehopper belt.

1. Put stick one up and two up.

2. I have 3 and 4 tethered. I pull 3 up and 4 is still on the ground after I am done pull number 4 up.

3. Out of my pocket I grab my hook and strap and attach that to the tree.

4. Pull up the stand that is on the rope that my other two sticks were on.

5. Hang the stand on the hook and with the platform up attach the other strap to the TOP versa button and crank that baby as tight as you can get it. Then the platform will cam lock down to the tree and should be rock solid. If you fail to have the platform up this will result in a bottom that will wobble a bit.

6. Hook my rope that was attached via a caribeaner to my trehopper belt to my stand get down take off my belt, put on my SOP harness and hook my bow and backpack to the rope.

7. Take two tree steps back up the tree with me and after I am strapped in put in one for the bow, one for the backpack. Pull the remaining 700 lbs of crap up. Hang bow and back pack up.

15 minutes I can have my bow in my hand hunting.
I have said this the last 2 years...my Lone Wolf stand and sticks are the best hunting investment I've made thus far in the last couple years!

You don't have to worry about someone possibly stealing your stand (though some don't have to worry about that). I can go in and literally be up the tree in less than 5 minutes no problem.

I set the first 1, then climb down for each additional...

If you rubber strap the sticks to your stand, they don't clank...

I usually only put the top strap on my stand, but it has the 'self leveler' so if the tree is slightly off of vertical, I use both for security...

I guess I had a smaller platform in the past, so going to an alpha was a huge blessing in size!!
i'll feed the strap around and loosely tighten it up. raise up the platform and then cinch the strap down, when you lower the platform it'll tighten up for you. i never use the hook to hang the stand, i just use the versa button and i'm fine. if you use the hook and have the V bracket on the back of the stand you'll have problems. once you throw that stand up and down a few times you'll change your tune, i was the same way until i got used to it all. if you're used to ladder stands than you're in a whole new world right now.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is key to having a solid platform. First few times out I couldn't figure it out. I was scared as hell with the platform shifting around.

Finally figured out to lift the platform, cinch straps, and fold platform out letting it bite into the tree.

If you do this correctly that stand WILL NOT MOVE.

Don't worry you'll get the hang of it. When you do there's nothing better.

I'm heading out tonight. We'll see how my first crack at it this year will go.
I to did not practice and hung mine the first time yesterday.

I used the hanger, without the v-bracket attached. I "didn't have the bottom up" so the bottom was a bit wobbly, no problem I simply added a 3rd strap to the bottom versa button.
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