Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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I was watching 6 bucks in a field tonight and saw a really nice 9 point with the velvet stripped clean. I thought it was early but have heard a couple other reports of the same thing...what is everybody elses observations?
I went scouting last Saturday evening and probably saw around 350 deer. Approximately 50-75 bucks and of those I could clearly see the racks on about 30-40 and they all had velvet to the best of my ability to tell. Some did look like the velvet was kind of skinny and changing color some. There were very few where the velvet still looked like it was round and ripe and still growing much.

I did see two spikes clearly and I hadn't seen a spike for sure in a few years. I didn't see any mega-Booners, but quite a few that would gross between 130" and 160" or so. One batchelor bunch had about 10 decent to pretty big bucks in it that one other truck had already stopped and were watching so I didn't slow down much and wreck their deal. All in all, the deer were out everywhere and it was a thrill to see so many.
I have seen quite a few and the velvet looks to be pretty much in intact.Saw agroup of 10 or 12 and they were very decent to large racks I would say went 120 to 150.One 14 was at least 150 if not better than that.All those as well had there velvet still intact.
Sunday the 15th my cousin hit a buck with his truck on his way to the river. It was a 9 point with a small drop tine. The velvet was still very "Plump" and luckily was not damaged in the accident. He may try to have it mounted. Anyone know how to preserve a rack that is in velvet?
Set up a trail cam yesterday and saw a low branch that had been rubbed pretty good. It was about quarter-size in diameter and had been busted in two. I was surprised to see this since we've yet to see a buck out of velvet.
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