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Political Bull Crap


New Member
I leave for 13 days and I came back and read this YUIYGh jhdcefhie dcekje wdiew ah ehwx wyugx zhu wdidsg q wqdw df 3efuiq. We all have issues, But why do we talk about politicions and democrats, dont get me wrong I vote but do we need to discuss these views. I also got sick of waiting for the hunt like Split G-3 its hunting season now for caribou wont get out till early next week hopefully but I spent the last 8 days in the bush and a few days fishing and mountain climbing. I had to get out. It felt so good to stalk and animal let alone few every day. Some were to close for comfort but no need for personal protection as I was un detected, Thank god But in the last 13 days Ive seen 13 Grizzlys. 5 in Coopers Landing and 8 in Summit. I seen alot of moose, one decent one and alot of caribou. I thought I would share these pictures with ya all. Enjoy, and let me know if you want to see more!
Those are awesome pics.My cousin was in the Air Force up there and it has been awhile since I have seen pics.Still looks beautiful.
Awesome pics Alaskan!

Would surely get your attention to be that close to a grizzzzzzzzzzz
Great pics as usual. That moose is so fat - he looks like a tank. The griz running is awesome!
Heres some more pics of wildlife, I got alot of scenery pics as well, Kat The 6 foot boar was in hot pursuit of a ground squirrell. I got a few more pics of that bear but not as good as the one you see, but did get a dozen of the sow and three cubs. Let me know if you all still care to see more. Sorry it isnt whitetail deer, I either got buck fever or a thrilling bone jarring rush from those bears...
alaskan you're killing me! absolutely amazing pics, even though you have now made my disease worse!
i'm starting to shake, and i have wore out our 3D target range!
to top it all off i saw the first buck with not an ounce of velvet on it and the biggest six point i've ever seen(17-18 inch spread and 12 inch G2's, i'll post pics of him soon) i don't know wether to tell you to post more pics or not
Beautiful! Let's drill for oil.
I almost didn't open this thread because I'm so sick of brainwashed Dubya acolytes and closed minds.
Pharmer, we're probably political opposites, but that doesn't really matter to me. However, I've learned that either 'side' is historically close minded to the other's view. I have strong reasons why I am conservative, and I'm pretty sure you have strong reasons why you are not. I've found that most people's idea of having an open mind means not just listening to the other viewpoint, but agreeing with it, also. I listen to opposing viewpoints, but if I don't agree with them, it is based on what I value most, and what I have learned by research. The good news . . . we can meet in the middle with hunting talk. And that's all I have to say about that. . .
Camoman- I'm conservative too. Just want to vote for the best man. The real problem is that McCain isn't running. Take care & may the second best man win in November. Pharmer
Whoops . . . sorry for the wrong assumption. And I appreciate you sharing your views in a 'civil' manner. No need for a group hug here. Good luck hunting this fall !!
Awesome shots Alaskan, just the warm up we need. We're headin' your way Wed. the 18th. I'll be there til the 17th of Sept. so hopefully we can hook up somewhere. We're lookin for bear & blacktail deer first then going into Talkeetna to fish & of course bear hunt then out farther for moose & bou & more blackies. Just as soon not get to cozy with those big brown teddy bears though. Thanks again for the pics. Maybe see ya shortly.
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