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Politics... sorry


PMA Member
Hey guys and gals, sorry to post this, I know we all go to this site in part to escape politics and the like, but considering how important a state like Iowa could be in this election (I don't think either candidate has even visited Kansas), I thought I'd let you know. Sen. Kerry, according to the NRA, has accepted the endorsement of the Humane Society of the United States (NOT the American Humane Society). Which, as many of you know, is one of the most destructive anti-hunting organizations out there. Please people, get out and vote in between stand vigils!
I think it is totally proper to bring this subject up on this forum, as someone like Kerry could have a negative influence on something near and dear to all of us on this forum. Kerry can say what he wants in a debate that he is pro-hunting, however, his record speaks for itself, he has voted for most anti-gun bills, and is rated very high by anti-hunting groups. Make an informed decision, look at his record and then it will be obvious that you should vote for President Bush.
Wow....I thought the agreement on here was no politics. I guess some people are just sh!t stirrers. Moderator should delete this thread.
I plan on being in my stand all day on election day..... however, the absentee ballet is on the kitchen table as I write this.....
While I don’t think we necessarily need to get into indivual candidate bashing on this site, I don’t think we can ignore political issues. Our politicians are the ones voting for wetlands, CRP programs, 2nd Amendment issues to name just a few.

Those individuals that we vote in office have an agenda that is either pro or anti hunting. Those politicians that didn’t go into office with an agenda soon will have one as they are bombarded by the lobbyists.

There are many groups and organizations in this country that would like nothing better than to see all forms of hunting banned. And they don’t care if you are a bow hunter or a gun hunter, they don’t want you hunting.

I would encourage everyone on this site to keep informed on the issues of those running for public office. Don’t hesitate to email them with questions that you may have about their political views.

After you have chosen your candidate please get out there and vote.
Those of you who vote for Bush in '04, just keep one thing in mind...Hillary '08

One of the best reasons I have heard for voting for Kerry, was to keep Hillary from running in the next election

Please delete the thread. Everyone vote, maybe the gentleman from Arizona will run next time.

[/ QUOTE ]
If he had run as an independent, he would have had my vote

ok, nuff said...just make sure you vote, no matter who you believe will make a better leader of the free world.
At least will still have our guns and ammo for 4 more years if we vote for "W" Can't say the same thing if we vote for the "Sen. Botox"
Rack- Get real. Does anyone seriously think that your guns are in jeopardy except for the fearmongers desperate to elect their candidate? Has "W" done anything without a measured response to the polls and the big business that backs him? "H" never answered for his involvement selling arms for hostages and I still haven't heard "W" admit he misled the country on WMD, threat, or explain why so many Saudis were involved in 9/11 and we aren't after them. Don't be a one issue voter and take you head out of the sand. I'd be glad to keep my political opinions to myself on this site if others would do the same but I refuse to let the propaganda I hear go unanswered. I'm done and am glad it will be over in 2 weeks. I've done well in the last 10-12 years but a lot of others aren't as fortunate and I hope that they all vote. Pharmer
pharmer if you dont think your guns are in jeopardy then you need to take your head out of the sand! I will be a single issue voter if i want to . But thanks for the advise. On a lighter note I've been hunting alot lately. Thank god for that.
Politics can be a touchy issue especially when opinions are so polarized. I agree that people should research our leaders views on multiple areas and make the best-informed decision they can. Laws that tie to freedoms can be abused and at times need to be regulated. Making good polices and enforcing them is the problem. Its not black and white. I am voting for Kerry Im sure others that frequent this site are also. I have my reasons but dont feel like sharing right now. Judge me how you will.

An open mind collects more riches than an open purse. Unfortunately politics dont tend to follow this creed.

The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by obvious realities. We need men and women who can dream of things that never were. President John F Kennedy

The political platforms (Republicans Democrat ) do nothing more than point out and polarizes our differences not our similarities. Voting strait ticket just makes the problem worse. Research your potential policy makers on all issues and make an informed educated decision.

It would be interesting to have and Iowawhitetail poll (for those who want to participate) to see where we stand as a group.
The country seems to be split fairly evenly.
I too will be glad when this is election is over.

On a side note, my 11 year old daughter told me the definition of politics the other day.

Definition: Politics
Poli (Poly): Many....
Tic(k)s: Blood sucking creatures

isn't our country great!!! where else in the free world can we have all the choices we have, all the freedom
where we can speak from our hearts and not worry about having our tongues, hands head cut off for saying so

God Bless America
May the BEST MAN win in NOv
I am absolutely shocked that any frequent member of this forum would support Kerry. Obviously if you are a member of this forum, you hunt. Look at who supports Kerry and you will see that he is looked upon favorably by the Human Society. This organization is absolutely anti hunting. How in good conscience can you support Kerry knowing this?
Seems pretty black and white to me. I don't think we could have to more polar extremes on almost all the issues. Big goverment-little goverment, pro-gun-antigun, prochoice-prolife, lesstax-moretax, UN-No UN, more programs-lessprograms, socialized medicine-free market medicine, pay for yourself-pay for everyone else.....and on and on. I think if you are undecided you have not been paying attention. The Poll in the entrance shows that sportsman are paying attention. Get out and vote!!! One thing about politics is that you might as well nt try to change anyones mind its just a fight waiting to happen! This time of year just smile. The magical weeks are coming near. Have a safe and successful rut guys.
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