Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Pond sows

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Active Member
Took Logan out fishin and we both caught our biggest to date.

Logan's was 3lb 3oz caught with one of tiny gills he used as bait. As you can tell from the pic he was pleased.

Mine was 6lb 14oz using a top water frog.

Mobile Cooter using IW
I was going to say after seeing that first picture, the pond looked like the perfect place to use a rubber frog. My problem is timing the hookset when they hammer it.

Nice hogs!
Should have had about ten more but it takes about that many to get the hookset timing down:).

As far a strikes the two pounders were exploding on the frogs better than the big one. She just swam up and sucked it in and started to swim off.

Still awesome for a green carp. :way:

Mobile Cooter using IW
Very nice fish! I'm sure you're son had a great time as well. Congrats to both of you.
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