Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Poor Fences & Great Trigger Speed


What happens when your neighbor's band of horses kick down your barbed wire fence and walk 1500 yards to your feeder? This happened last year but have been meaning to post these. Check out the trigger speed of the 2010 Bushnell trophy cam.

By the way, does anyone need any glue? Should I feel bad that they ate over two bushels of corn in a few days, I'd hate to see their hooves about now.



The worst part is, it will depend on if that section of fence is his or yours???

I had the problem with horses on my property a few years back, even if they knock the fence down if it is my fence I can be held accountable.
The worst part is, it will depend on if that section of fence is his or yours???

I had the problem with horses on my property a few years back, even if they knock the fence down if it is my fence I can be held accountable.

Definitely his side, at least it didn't happen while I was in stand. Now his 8 dogs he lets run wild like a pack of wolves is another story.

Also, this same guy "who doesn't hunt" had four untagged does hanging in his barn...ahhh, neighbors!
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