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Positive thinking

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I told someone a while back that I needed to quit being negative.

So this weather sucks and the bad out weighs the good but here is something that I think are good caused by it.

Mowed three times in the last three months.

Less bugs

Most road construction is head of schedule.

The corn maybe out early.

Probably no leaves on the trees come season making for easier filming.

I know there is more I could list but what positives do you see?

Mobile Cooter using IW
Good post Cooter. x2 on the lawn mowing. This extreme heat has forced me to finally finish my basement after 7 years so that is a big positive. The ground is so hard and dry that the SOB mole that was living in my yard left I hope.
Good post Cooter. x2 on the lawn mowing. This extreme heat has forced me to finally finish my basement after 7 years so that is a big positive. The ground is so hard and dry that the SOB mole that was living in my yard left I hope.

Or he made reinforced bunkers like the Viet Cong. I think that's what the moles in my yard did.
The big one I see for anyone that has been holding on buying ground and saving their money may be finally seeing a big decrease in land prices in the near future.. I would think these people that are paying 10+ G's per acre to farm are going to be squeezed like hell this year... I also enjoy seeing insurance companies having to fork over some of their money on more important things besides retarded commercials.
X3 on the mowing. I gave up pouring water on the lawn a month ago. It's brown and down and I don't care.:way:
With the hot weather we have been having, Phoenix won't seem so bad. ;)

Not mowing the lawn is saving $15 a week in lawn mower gas money (more beer money :D).

Too hot to fish, so don't have to clean them.

Hot weather has the jalapeno pepper plants more than a month ahead of schedule, been picking them for two weeks already.

Been able to take the dirt road about any time I care to without worrying about getting stuck in the mud.
50 days until I am chasing Speed Goats, 67 days until I am trying to harpoon a doe....... Need I say more!! ;)
Less fuel for the grain trucks if they only make one run a day.
Quick harvest means getting back to hunting full time quicker.
Waterways didn't washout this year.
Land prices

The big one I see for anyone that has been holding on buying ground and saving their money may be finally seeing a big decrease in land prices in the near future.. I would think these people that are paying 10+ G's per acre to farm are going to be squeezed like hell this year... I also enjoy seeing insurance companies having to fork over some of their money on more important things besides retarded commercials.

I agree on land prices, it may take awhile, but even though crop prices are high and crop insurance will still pay out, drought sucks and hurts profits. Especially if the crop farmer also has livestock
Short shorts:)

Easy to cross the creek to run cameras on the other side. Knee boots instead of hipwaders.

Mobile Cooter using IW
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