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Post your best buck..here's mine


Active Member
I'm having trouble getting my fix as there haven't been alot of pictures posted lately. Post a pic of your biggest buck just to get our hearts pumping again. Here's mine 205 gross 199 net, 4x4 fram with 2 droppers and 4 other abnormal points, inside spread is only 17 and beams are 22", he's massy, 44". I may get sickening now that I know how to post pictures.
Here's a "booner" I shot last fall. My biggest to date. I rough scored him at about 25". Not much mass or tine length but a real keeper. Live body weight was approximately 2 1/2 lbs. Field dressed at 2 lbs. We aged him at about 5 1/2 years old (notice all the grey hair). My buddy 1arrow and I hauled him out on an ATV last fall on public ground.

this past falls bow buck. long story short i did my first all day hunt and managed to put an arrow into this guy ahour before it got dark. awesome series of events with this deer.

My Halloween Buck from 2002. I scored the buck at 132 gross, 130 net (not official but I think I am real close). Not big by most of you guys/gals standards but my biggest to date and a P&Y qualifier.


Yeah, that buck was one bad shot on my part. Hit him pretty far back and he went for the water and died in the creek in the background of the photo. I let him lay for almost 6 hours before we went after him. Didn't want to take any chances since I saw the arrow stuck in him as he ran off and knew the broadhead would eventually do it's job and it did.

Deadeye, that's a great bowkill. Congratulations.

Great bucks

Some nice looking deer guys. Nebraska, I love those long, sharp turkey spurs! Great way to show them.
Tomo, is that one of those bad boy bucks from the Dakotas? Looks like he had a second dropper that got busted off? Nice Buck

Hunt on All4s
Tomo, that is one sweet buck, I love the big 4x4 frame and the dropper for character, I'd kill him any day of the year, awesome!
Great bucks you guys! This is my biggest one. In November 2001 I almost had him in bow range, but during shotgun he walked right up to me (5yards.) I never had him scored, he's maybe high 130s low 140s? I know the lobster claw is a deduction but I don't care, I think he's perfect just the way he is.

Nice buck Kat, I dig that lobster claw! Just me or does that deer look like he's got a smile on his face?
Hunt on All4s

Your buck is what I am looking for. A big square frame bruiser.


That thing is quite the whitetail. Great bowkill.


My first P&Y was very similar. First all-day sit for me and let the arrow fly at 4:45 PM. You had quite the year last season.
I would love to show you mine and my brothers best bucks but im computer illiterite If one of you top dogs could post it. It would be greatly appreciated. Mine is 121 and sexcrazed buck is 126, both basic 10 pointers..
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