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power outage in Forest City


Active Member
We had a tree fall on the power lines the other night in a storm and took down 12 poles with it. I worked 22 hours without more the a 10 min sit down brake. I got home around 5 pm and went to bed, now it’s 4 am and I’m on Iowawhitetail. Here are some pictures that my wife took. Also a link to the news







In the back ground you can see the tree that kicked my ass
Just think of your paycheck!!!! $$$$$$$$ :) We appreciate guys like you, my power was off for an hour the other night and I thought I would die without my air conditioning! ;) :D
Thanks for the hard work! Most places have to wait for the big electric to come in. We are lucky to have you guys, even if my wife missed(American Idol) I had to let her know it wasn't the cities fault. Its hard to make people understand how hard your working to get them back on line. They all think your taking your time like you dont have anything better to do. Nice wok!!!!!!!!!!! Thank You!!
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