Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

pre-rut already?


New Member
Was out driving today around 1 pm actually. Had a very nice buck chasing a doe around in a hay field. I had not seen any big bucks but know they usually start showing themselves closer to the rut. Anyone else seeing any of this going on yet? Going to be banging the antlers together sooner than expected perhaps...
theres always going to be a few goof balls out there harassing does at odd times of the year. I would in no way rely on that as a sign of an early rut. However I did see 3 different bucks laying dead on the road on my way to work this morning which seemed abit strange for mid october.
my buddy was hunting the other night and had a good buck grunting chasing a doe.he ended up beating up on a 140 incher in the field.that is just one deer though.it is already october 15th it wont be long.besides oct is always pre rut they have been making scrapes for a while now.
Last weekend still not one rub or scrape, where they usually do some. Usually does not get started until closer to Nov. in my area. Maybe not a good sign, seeing nothing there yet.?
saw a 140s buck run across the road at 7:20 this morning ... heading from!??! going to?!?! this cold snap next week is going to up the "love" level!!!
Last night I had 2 bucks fighting really hard and aggressively right at dark about 80 yards out. I sat back and watched the show thru my binos as it was way too dark to even think about shootin. Then I decided around 7:05 pm to try a doe in estrus can call and also gave a snort wheeze to them. Much to my surprise one stopped fighting and came on a string to within 30 yds. Nice young nontypical with somewhere around 13-15 points. Then I had to sit til 7:30 before he decided to leave and let me out of my stand. Perfect timing for my vacation to start Monday morning!
Don't you guys read deer&deer hunting mag!??????? The bucks are ready soon as the velvet goes! :drink2:
have heard from two other friends that they have been seeing bucks fighting already. One said that he knocked the horns together a little and a nice buck came in about 15 minutes later. It is getting close to go time!!!!!!!!
I've got a buck that was seen fighting hard several days ago out by the road. Neighbor said he was a young 8....when he left he was only a 4 lol. Then I get this.....


They are definitely at it already! Some are just more geared up than others.
I shot 2 does Wednesday night and both were chased in by the same buck a decent 2.5 yr old 7pt grunting and chasing hard.
Yep; i've been getting trail cam pics of bucks fighting for several weeks now. I watched two bucks (both 2 1/2 to 3 i/2 yrs old) chasing a group of 5 does in and out of the standing corn last night.
If the does would allow it...they would have been breeding for awhile now :) The does run the show more or less as to when the breeding will occur IMO. Once that velvet is shed-they are ready to rock.
I got scrapes and rubs all over the place. Seen a nice 160" 10 following a doe pretty hard 2 weeks ago and a 150" 8 that would not leave a doe alone sat evening. In fact he layed down by her as we made all kinds of noise from the Ranger. Not sure if you would consider that locked down and I know its isolated but the signs are very strong around me.
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