I was able to get in a late burn of about 40 acres (primarily old fields, savannah & ditches) on April 22nd...the place was packed with cool season grasses and was heavily abused by livestock in the past.
Here are some sample pics from this week, only two months after the burn:
I'm amazed at the native grasses, flowers & shrubs (Big & Little bluestem, indian grass, prairie coneflowers, New Jersey tea, rattlesnake master, etc.) that popped up after one burn; they are just sitting there waiting for a chance. This part of my farm now has a lot to offer in the way of cover & browse. Prescribed fire will definitely be a key part of my whitetail management program and land restoration strategies.
Here are some sample pics from this week, only two months after the burn:
I'm amazed at the native grasses, flowers & shrubs (Big & Little bluestem, indian grass, prairie coneflowers, New Jersey tea, rattlesnake master, etc.) that popped up after one burn; they are just sitting there waiting for a chance. This part of my farm now has a lot to offer in the way of cover & browse. Prescribed fire will definitely be a key part of my whitetail management program and land restoration strategies.