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Preserving mounts


Well-Known Member
So as I am typing this we are taking down all of the deer and elk mounts in the living room because it is getting painted next week. We have high ceilings so the mounts don’t come down often and are hardly ever cleaned. Both of my dad’s elk are fading on one side because they are close to a big window. Is there anything we can to do stop this or anything we can do to help clean and preserve all of the mounts and antlers?
Thank you!
Anything that's in direct sunlight is going to fade (furniture, art, mounts, etc). The best thing to do is have a film put on your windows that blocks UV rays. I did it in my business & it works wonders!
A lot of window tinting places can do it and you can even get a tax credit by having it done.
Aside from tinting windows, a good cleaning method is Windex on a paper towel. Then Liquid Gold, Furniture Polish on a paper towel and wipe down fur on mount. This should be done at least once a year. If they were where you could reach them, once a week with a dust repelent/polish spray like Endust or lemon pledge is also good. Restores some of the Shine back to the hair.
Aside from tinting windows, a good cleaning method is Windex on a paper towel. Then Liquid Gold, Furniture Polish on a paper towel and wipe down fur on mount. This should be done at least once a year. If they were where you could reach them, once a week with a dust repelent/polish spray like Endust or lemon pledge is also good. Restores some of the Shine back to the hair.

I've heard these methods work as well.

I forgot to mention this, but when they put the film on the windows, you can choose a variety of films from a clear film that you can't even tell it's on there, to a very dark tint and everything in between. Even the clear film blocks the UV rays & keeps things from fading.
Then Liquid Gold, Furniture Polish on a paper towel and wipe down fur on mount.

Do not use Liquid Gold. It collects dust and dirt and will make a mess of your mount (per Joe Meder). Use Windex on the whole mount (do not spray directly on mount, spray on a clean cloth and wipe with the grain of the hair) when doing a hole cleaning and use a feather duster when just touching it up. :way:
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