Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Pretty 8


PMA Member
Turned oput to be a tuff hunt last week in Illinois, too darn hot. Seems like the deer numbers are down, thought there would be a lot of carry-over with all the crops standing last year but it sure didn't look that way. I did manage to tag out, couldn't pass the pretty mid 130's 8 pointer up, he should look good on the wall.
Nice buck! What kind of camo is that? Looks like some of the old treebark I have. It looks like great camo for Iowa fall
This is Ultimate Camo, check out their web site. The did studies the way deer see & some of the pics tell the story. I have always been a fan tree bark camo & was still wearing my original 27 year old outfit until I found this at a sports show. I got the fleece too....love it, never get picked.
Score doesn't matter on those big 8's and it doesn't do them justice! Great frame on that buck, congrats!
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