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Problems with the Glendale buck target

I had the same problem with mine as the guy in the first link about a month ago. My brother was shooting my bow and the arrow hit looked like it hit low about where the body connects to the legs. I saw something fly off and assumed it was a vane, but when I found it the arrow was snapped about 3 inches back and the nock was gone. I found that about 10 feet in front of the target. I guess he must have hit the metal rod that they're talking about.
As for the durability I've had it for a year and it stays outside. It still stops arrows fine and I like that I can just rotate the insert when it starts to get worn. I might have read it wrong but the AT guy made it sound like the front of his target was dangling from getting shot. He must have hit it in the same spot everytime to do that. Those things are really thick, and I can't see how that would happen.
Good to know as I have been shooting two different ones over the past 2 years. I haven't hit that spot yet and hope I never do. As far as durability, I find it hard to believe that you could do that much damage unless you were consisitently outside of the block insert and into the target. We have had 3 people shooting nothing but broadheads at it over the 2 years and it doesn't show much wear at all. Thanks for the post about the metal rod though, I will make sure to keep the arrows away from there.

Do you have a problem with your broadheads shredding the layers inside? The first time I shot a broadhead into mine a bunch came out with the arrow when I pulled it. I only shoot FP's into mine and shoot BH's into my block 4X4(which they have really torn the crap out of)
I have a fullrut and have broken 5-6 arrows over the last two years. I hit a little low in the same area while shooting back at 40, 50, and 60 yards. It will break the arrow everytime you hit in this area. I alway shoot for the heart not the center of the vitals, so if the arrow falls 5-6 inches low you can kiss the arrow goodbye!
Do you have a problem with your broadheads shredding the layers inside? The first time I shot a broadhead into mine a bunch came out with the arrow when I pulled it. I only shoot FP's into mine and shoot BH's into my block 4X4(which they have really torn the crap out of)

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We have the glendale full rut, which has the block 4x4 as the insert basically. We haven't had a single problem with it tearing them up. The three of us shoot mechanicals mostly but it has seen a few thunderheads also with no harm done. I have the original block that is also in the regular glendale buck and I tear the heck out of it if I shoot broadheads into it, basically have ruined several areas on that target.

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