If you are getting financing, your bank will handle ordering the appraisal. If you aren't getting financing and need an appraisal, you will be responsible for that. The seller will need to get the abstract delivered to the abstract company for continuation. Your attorney will examine the abstract and prepare a preliminary title opinion, which will identify whether there are any issues with you receiving clear title. In southern IA, the seller's attorney will normally prepare all of the closing related documents and hold the closing. Sometimes the bank will wish to hold the closing if financing is involved. Costs for a buyer are very minimal. Attorney fees and deed recording are usually around $300 totaly. If you have to get an appraisal, that will be quite a bit more. Very simple process and there are plenty of good attorneys in southern Iowa that can help you. PM me if you'd like to talk through the process in person before getting started or if you'd like some attorney names to talk with. Good luck!