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Property consultant


Active Member
Not sure if this is allowed. I’m trying to get a property plan for my retirement farm but living out west and on a crazy fixed budget(too many kids and dogs) has prevented me from hiring help. I’d love to get someone with the knowledge in there but year after year I keep getting closer with not much direction and funding always runs out by the time I make my summer trip. With the giants (for southern Ohio) I’ve had on the farm, neighboring piece, and ones that neighbors have taken, I really feel I could be the area influencer as no one close is doing the work ie food, bedding, etc…

Anyone on here do any virtual consulting that wouldn’t break the bank?
Or anyone here know of any consultants who don’t break the bank but know what they are talking about?
I’d like to give you advice or a name … but I’ve never hired a consultant. I’m 100% sure I don’t know everything and I’m probably doing something wrong! I do however, enjoy learning even at my age.

You could check with Skip and see what he says ?
Buddy of mine recently (2 weeks ago) had Grant Woods come out to his property for consulting. He was a little concerned, as was I regarding the value he would receive from the visit. $2500/day, but, a day ended up being only 3 hours of onsite time.

He was super happy with the advice he received and felt the value matched if not exceeded the cost. It saved him from making some big mistakes and costs in relation to what he planned to do, and what he was advised not to do.

BUT, here's the things I personally would and wouldn't do in this situation:

1) I wouldn't recommend a virtual consult, that'd be like buying farm you haven't seen. You're going to get generalizations and a 30k ft view.
2) I would hire someone who is well experienced in the same area your farm is in. In my buddy's case he's in Southern Mo. Grant woods lives about 2 hours west of him. Same terrain, same crappy soil, same challenges, able to offer names of contractors nearby, etc, etc. Hiring a guy from Central Il would have done him little good imo. There are different habitat considerations depending on what part of the country you're in.
3) Be Prepared - Have your list of questions ahead of time, and ask people who know your farm what questions they would have. My buddy had question regarding bedding, water, food plots, access points, screening, switch grass, human pressure, etc.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
I could do a consult that would be as good or better than anything else out there….. There’s zero doubt in my mind…. & I can think of group of guys on here that could also give results that are top tier!! Only ones I’ve done are when funds get raised for charity orgs, etc. Maybe someday I do a couple a year if it makes sense. I love working on my own farms & helping folks for free so it’s an “odd situation” I find myself in when folks want to pay someone. Clearly I could book a gazillion consults …. Spose a handful might make sense…. Bout only one that does make sense … “Hey man, I have lots of $ & no matter what, I’m gonna spend on a consult & I need ____ (any) complex issues done right & Shave off years of mistakes & make massive gains fast” Those folks exist but fairly unique. For the everyday dude, I try to think of myself when I started & was broke & how I got info for free (HERE) that is factually top tier advice. Love helping dudes for nothing.

With folks on here - we probably get u all the value a virtual consult would for free. If u wanna fire me aerial, as many pics of timber & pics of farm…. I’ll at least fire u some feedback for free. I’ll go through it and respond. $0. Need to know: what ur goals are, what problems u have. Neighbor situation. Deer density, hunting pressure in area, how frequent are mature bucks. What’s planted now on open areas & what u got for plots. U fire me that, I’ll get u some thoughts & that’s free. :)
I could do a consult that would be as good or better than anything else out there….. There’s zero doubt in my mind…. & I can think of group of guys on here that could also give results that are top tier!! Only ones I’ve done are when funds get raised for charity orgs, etc. Maybe someday I do a couple a year if it makes sense. I love working on my own farms & helping folks for free so it’s an “odd situation” I find myself in when folks want to pay someone. Clearly I could book a gazillion consults …. Spose a handful might make sense…. Bout only one that does make sense … “Hey man, I have lots of $ & no matter what, I’m gonna spend on a consult & I need ____ (any) complex issues done right & Shave off years of mistakes & make massive gains fast” Those folks exist but fairly unique. For the everyday dude, I try to think of myself when I started & was broke & how I got info for free (HERE) that is factually top tier advice. Love helping dudes for nothing.

With folks on here - we probably get u all the value a virtual consult would for free. If u wanna fire me aerial, as many pics of timber & pics of farm…. I’ll at least fire u some feedback for free. I’ll go through it and respond. $0. Need to know: what ur goals are, what problems u have. Neighbor situation. Deer density, hunting pressure in area, how frequent are mature bucks. What’s planted now on open areas & what u got for plots. U fire me that, I’ll get u some thoughts & that’s free. :)
Nice offer!
I could do a consult that would be as good or better than anything else out there….. There’s zero doubt in my mind…. & I can think of group of guys on here that could also give results that are top tier!! Only ones I’ve done are when funds get raised for charity orgs, etc. Maybe someday I do a couple a year if it makes sense. I love working on my own farms & helping folks for free so it’s an “odd situation” I find myself in when folks want to pay someone. Clearly I could book a gazillion consults …. Spose a handful might make sense…. Bout only one that does make sense … “Hey man, I have lots of $ & no matter what, I’m gonna spend on a consult & I need ____ (any) complex issues done right & Shave off years of mistakes & make massive gains fast” Those folks exist but fairly unique. For the everyday dude, I try to think of myself when I started & was broke & how I got info for free (HERE) that is factually top tier advice. Love helping dudes for nothing.

With folks on here - we probably get u all the value a virtual consult would for free. If u wanna fire me aerial, as many pics of timber & pics of farm…. I’ll at least fire u some feedback for free. I’ll go through it and respond. $0. Need to know: what ur goals are, what problems u have. Neighbor situation. Deer density, hunting pressure in area, how frequent are mature bucks. What’s planted now on open areas & what u got for plots. U fire me that, I’ll get u some thoughts & that’s free. :)
I’m all in! Would the best approach be to post a write up on here, via text, email? I really appreciate it. I’ve got 5.5 years to no longer being a cop and can’t wait. The Az Mexico border sucks for deer hunting, I’m on big deer and killed handful of great coues with bow but the density is so low and immigration and rattlesnakes added to the mix has kept my boys out. I started hunting at 18 and it was game on, as they will be teenagers I’m hoping I can get some good family time in, for now it’s just one week a year in November on the Ohio ground.

Goals- pull the big boys to me and bed a couple, neighbors don’t tsi, do food plots, etc. and are pretty sloppy. Im looking to get the large 14 acre field designed to best potential(I don’t have the brain to build the design). Whether that be food/switch/etc. Get ideal locations for TSI, be more pockets than large cuts, may be able to get away with cutting a few acres total.

Problems- road front has potential for bad actors. Corn baiters on the neighboring properties. In general, sw wind is very common during early months of season, I can’t wrap my mind around how to build locations around this wind to be effective.

Currently I have portion of the large field planted in clover and cereal grains with approximately 30 crab/pear in their 2-3 year. I have more trees coming this spring. I have a tractor, tiller, cone spreader, cultipacker, two row corn planter, and potential for a drill. I have 5 acres of RC big rock in bags still. I do have a buddy that will assist with planting and tsi. Deer density didn’t wipe out my 3.5 acres of corn last year and ai had several shooters where this year no corn it was depressing.

So farm is 91 acres split between my cousin and I, he’s just getting into archery hunting and all pumped up. For SE Ohio, the bucks I’ve got on cam the last 3 years are top tier for the area. Issue is they aren’t bedding on me, they did when I ran 3.5 acres of corn two seasons ago but this fall was a bust. I’ll be able to do some TSI but I won’t be able to go all out due to family enjoying the aesthetics. My issue not spending much time there is I have limited knowledge in where and how I should do cuts.

Let me know what’s best approach for coms with you guys. I’ll try and pull some pics up. Property has some elevation changes, in the rolling hills.
Yellow line is where fruit trees are established.

Ponds do get some family pressure but that’s during summer months.

Neighbor to the south east has god awful thicket butting up to my large field, he’s not hunting in the thicket. He’s the sloppy guy, met him back there while I was blood trailing and he was drunk while “hunting”.

I’ll pull some google earth images once I have access to computer.
This above pic was my ballpark, be about 7 acres, yellow corn or switch, outer band cereal/clover. This would keep off neighbors border for most part and attach to his nasty thicket. Maybe switch in those smaller interior plots u see on above pic to encourage bedding and security.
With folks on here - we probably get u all the value a virtual consult would for free. If u wanna fire me aerial, as many pics of timber & pics of farm…. I’ll at least fire u some feedback for free. I’ll go through it and respond. $0. Need to know: what ur goals are, what problems u have. Neighbor situation. Deer density, hunting pressure in area, how frequent are mature bucks. What’s planted now on open areas & what u got for plots. U fire me that, I’ll get u some thoughts & that’s free. :)

Always thought it would be interesting to compare/contrast what 3-4 top consultants would prescribe for the same given property.
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