Just curious on where some of you guys would hunt this property for this weekend and tommorrow? Sorry about the first picture being blurry i wanted to get all the land around it and the land its self.
Everything is the green is just a hay feild, the yeelow is picked corn, and the blue is about 4-5 foot high crp. The red is just the land I am able to hunt.
this is more of a close up on the land, and the red again is just the boundaries of the land. The blue are spots i have desinated the Sanctuary. the smaller is a bunch of grouped up pines where i have noticed that they bed down in alot, the bigger one is just a spot i noticed the other day while hanging a new set. Just curious on how you guys would hunt this.
Everything is the green is just a hay feild, the yeelow is picked corn, and the blue is about 4-5 foot high crp. The red is just the land I am able to hunt.
this is more of a close up on the land, and the red again is just the boundaries of the land. The blue are spots i have desinated the Sanctuary. the smaller is a bunch of grouped up pines where i have noticed that they bed down in alot, the bigger one is just a spot i noticed the other day while hanging a new set. Just curious on how you guys would hunt this.