Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Just curious on where some of you guys would hunt this property for this weekend and tommorrow? Sorry about the first picture being blurry i wanted to get all the land around it and the land its self.

Everything is the green is just a hay feild, the yeelow is picked corn, and the blue is about 4-5 foot high crp. The red is just the land I am able to hunt.

this is more of a close up on the land, and the red again is just the boundaries of the land. The blue are spots i have desinated the Sanctuary. the smaller is a bunch of grouped up pines where i have noticed that they bed down in alot, the bigger one is just a spot i noticed the other day while hanging a new set. Just curious on how you guys would hunt this.
Has the picked corn been disked? If not then I would start with the southeast corner (assuming the top of the photo is north). Otherwise somewhere along the creek. I think most the deer have made the switch to winter food sources right now.
Uh from my knowledge both the feilds have not been pdisked yet. I have been leaning towards the South east corner, and the south west corner.
What else is in the area? Can you post a pic that is zoomed out so we can see the surrounding couple of miles? Hard to say where to hunt without really having a clue where the deer will be coming from or going. I'd agree with the SE corner if you can get in there without screwing stuff up. SW corner LOOKS like it would be tough to get into without busting deer. How's the lay of the land as far as hills?
Yea Il get some more pics. But i dont think the area is a low pressured as i thought it would be. I decided with the rain we had it was going to be a quite walk so i walked the edges of the land and noticed 2 poached does.
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