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Proposed new spring turkey hunting regulation


The Hunt Never Ends....
The Iowa DNR has proposed a new turkey hunting regulation that will allow non-residents to spring turkey hunt during the second season. As of right now second season is only reserved for residents of the state.

There are also some other proposed ammendments that are being discussed at http://www.iowadnr.com/wildlife/pdfs/07_ICNrulessummary.pdf
Looks like they have quite a few changes they want to do. Look out during rifle season. I know a few people that might pull out the 50 round banana clip.
for some reason when I hit the link it takes me to Outlook to send an email message
i like the idea of having a season all to ourselves....they get to hunt the others dont they??
that should be enough
Why is it that I absolutely Hate the thought of non-residents!! Makes my skin crawl. But I went on an elk hunt, shoot prairie dogs, fish all over, it doesnt seem to matter so much. I hope that whatever they do they just keep things manageable.
I hope that whatever they do they just keep things manageable.
I think I may make a road trip to the public hearing. Just how many shells do you need in a rifle to shoot a doe? (I know some on this site need a lot, but we ML think one is enough if you know how to shoot). Also, the second season should stay residence only. South Dakota has a residence only season for pheasants so there should be no complaint about our not allowing NR for the second season.
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