Ok, you guys are relentless. If you insist, I must share this story. I'm fishing a bass tournament on West Lake this past Saturday and it's about 1:30 and I have about 30 minutes left to fish. I'm on the far West end of the lake in a cove fishing like a mad man, when I hear a large crash in the water behind me. I turn to look and there was a buck that came running through the grass and did a 1 1/2 somersault in the pike position and into the water he went. Large splash, so the judges deducted a few points and added them to his rack. Kickers and stickers galore. Big, Tall, Mainframe 8 with a couple drop's and stickers off the G2's. He was still in velvet. He swam about 20 yards from my boat. I dropped my fishing pole, grabbed my camera phone and snapped off a couple of quick pics before he disappeared into the woods again. Can't really make him out on the phone, but as soon as I get the chance to download them, I'm sure he can be made out. Best buck I've ever seen while out of doors. Freaking Monster. Big Body and plenty of mass.
At that point in time I was ready to give up fishing for the season and go sit in a tree overlooking that cove to wait for that deer again. Unbelievable.
That is my 2nd swimming deer of the season. Seen a doe up in Canada this year swimming across a lake as well.