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Python Cable Lock ?


Active Member
I'm a dummy...........................and somehow lost 2 keys today between my truck and a cam on a lick in a nasty blowdown tangle in which I had to crawl through to avoid the water. I know one was #'d 130 and the other 414................am I cutting them off or is there a way to get a duplicate. (besides the extra I misplaced 3 yrs ago):eek:
I just cut one off the other day with a hacksaw. Cut through it like a hot knife in butter. Today I cleaned out my truck and found the spare key LOL darn the luck!!
Hope that doesn't happen to me. I had one then just bought two more because I had one of my cams stolen. Went out Sunday to check my cam and hang another and lock it up with one I just bought. I stuck the key in the lock and for the life of me couldn't get the damn thing to open. Took me a minute to realize I was using the key for my new cable lock instead of the the one for the one I had.
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