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Q for you Bowtech guys


Active Member
I shot the Allegence and the Tribute tonight. I seemed to prefer the Tribute of the two. Both seemed solid, quiet, and had fairly minimal shock and noise as well as being good looking bows. I admit up front that I didnt shoot them enough to form a solid opinon because I was in a rush to get home before the little one went to bed.
Anyway, what I didnt like was the almost complete lack of a valley in the draw cycle. It is similar to my Outback in that regard and is my one main complaint of the Outback. I know that with proper form you are not supposed to allow the string to creep forward but it happens. I dont like the feeling that if I let it creep just a tad the bow will rip my arm out of the socket. Of course you should hold tight to the wall but when I'm paranoid of that sudden "jump" it is distracting to the aiming process and makes you hold so tight as to negate the advantage of the 80% let off. Is this typical for Bowtech's?
The dealer indicated that the bow's cams could be adjusted to allow more or less valley in the draw cycle. Is that accurate?
I have been a fan of Mathews bows for a long time and probably will replace my Outback with a Switchback XT or LD (or possibly whatever the '07 superbow is) next year. I am not married to them though and am trying to broaden my horizons a little by trying the Bowtechs first.

BTW, somebody is bound to suggest I also try a hoyt Super-Something-Or-Other-Tech. I am sure they make quality bows so, I promise I will try one when they make one that isnt so damn ugly!!
To much Batman Bling on those bows, lol!
i would imagine that the speed mods were in. smooth mods are supposed to be smoother on the draw, and have a bit more valley, at a sacrifice of a few fps. when i shot the same 2 bows, i couldn't tell much of a difference between the mods...or the 2 bows. i just knew they were both AWESOME. switchback is smoother, but ALOT slower. and hoyts......i just haven't shot one i really liked. and people like lxshooter keep making me try out a new whatever-the-tec every time we shoot at CIA
switchback is smoother

[/ QUOTE ] Holy cats! "T" said something positive about a Mathews!!! This is a fine day indeed, I for one must celebrate!
My suggestion:Shoot the Bowtech of your choice for a month then pick up your Matthews and make the choice between the two.I could not get rid of my Matthews fast enough.After getting use to the Bowtech grip I found the Matthews to be a vibration machine.
Matthews Outback/Bowtech Allegience.

Good Luck !
Remember....Fred Bear killed many a animal with just a longbow.
I dont like the feeling that if I let it creep just a tad the bow will rip my arm out of the socket.

[/ QUOTE ]

I never liked that about my Outback either. I would agree with the idea that the Speed mods were in and the smooth mods would be less severe.
My suggestion:Shoot the Bowtech of your choice for a month then pick up your Matthews and make the choice between the two.I could not get rid of my Matthews fast enough.After getting use to the Bowtech grip I found the Matthews to be a vibration machine.

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That would be great, but I doubt the dealer is going to loan me a new bow to play with for a month! That would be ideal though, to have both to shoot back to back for a long period of time.

I did not ask the dealer what cams were in the bow. Frankly I didnt know there were different modules for them.
Thanks for the responses.

Oh, and I suppose that Trykon isnt that awful looking. I guess I prefer the look of single limb bows though.
This is a fine day indeed, I for one must celebrate!

[/ QUOTE ]

Relish those moments, Skully, for the are few and far between!


(....I'm just kidding with you, of course, Mathews makes a good bow.....)
I sure like the trykon of mine...looks or no looks. I do know when I shot it next to a switchback XT tonight...the guy...new to bows, asked why my arrow seemed to go that much faster than his.
I agree that the speed mods were probably in. I also had the same complaint as you, lack of valley, back when I had my Mathews Q2...switched to a Patriot in '03 and I could not believe the difference (not to mention hand shock and vibration).

Informative 'bow review' on the Tribute in the November issue of Bowhunting World (p.96)
This may be a bit late in coming, but once I picked up a Tribute I didn't look back. Next to the Trykon and the XT it just seemed to jump out and grab me... havn't regretted the decision. I don't have the speed cams and she's still quick.
I shot the XT, Trykon, Allegiance and Tribute back in January and ended up bringing home...


...THE TRIBUTE!!!!!!!

Man, I love this bow. Once your finger hits the release the arrow is gone with no shock / vibration to speak of. Honestly, my mind was made up after one shot. What a step up from my old Reflex Xpress. That thing feels like a .44 Mag going off in you hand compared to my Tribute.

I preferred the draw cycle of the speed mods., but once you let up a little bit the cams do roll over really quick. You can adjust the drawstop on the top cam to fine-tune your drawlength and let-off.

Bow season opens here in NY in 12 days. Hopefully, I can catch this old boy out before dark thirty and break in the new Bowtech in style.

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