Life Member
Well guys Missouri may finally be getting the picture. I read today that they are starting a Pilot QDM program in select areas of the State beginning in 2004. MDC- QDM
I had to call the MDC office just to double check and they confirmed it. Here are some of there potential moves.
1) Antler point restrictions of 4pts. or better on one side.
2) Buck Quota
3) Reduce the length of the Buck season.
4) Moving firearms season to Post Rut date. (late Nov. or early Dec.)
5) Earn-A-Buck Harvest a doe before allowing a buck tag.
I really like #1 at least for a few years and #4 permanently. Earn-A-Buck might be good at least in the first years to balance the buck to doe ratio.
How does this concern the Iowa hunter? Think of all the hunting pressure it could potentially take off Iowa's bucks. Hopefully in the next few years with hunter support of QDM, statewide changes will be in effect.
Just think, someday you all might even consider buying a NR tag in Mizzurah!
I had to call the MDC office just to double check and they confirmed it. Here are some of there potential moves.
1) Antler point restrictions of 4pts. or better on one side.
2) Buck Quota
3) Reduce the length of the Buck season.
4) Moving firearms season to Post Rut date. (late Nov. or early Dec.)
5) Earn-A-Buck Harvest a doe before allowing a buck tag.
I really like #1 at least for a few years and #4 permanently. Earn-A-Buck might be good at least in the first years to balance the buck to doe ratio.
How does this concern the Iowa hunter? Think of all the hunting pressure it could potentially take off Iowa's bucks. Hopefully in the next few years with hunter support of QDM, statewide changes will be in effect.
Just think, someday you all might even consider buying a NR tag in Mizzurah!