Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

quality bow case


Well-Known Member
I'm in the market to finally get a good bow case, any suggestions out there? I'm leaning towards the SKB brand, but am open to suggestions.
Take the plunge and buy a SKB. You don't skimp on anything else here lately (which is unusual for you) why not do it right once and not worry about it anymore. If you are going to fly anywhere buy the hard case. If it's just for whitetails here in the midwest I'd opt for the cordura case. I have had mine for 6-7 years and it's in great shape yet.
Which one do you have then, the cordura or the hard plastic? It'll be mostly for whitetails here in Iowa but who knows what will hopefully come down the line in the future for hunting trips.
I love my SKB hard case and I also have a cordura double case but the zipper ripped on it. I also recommend Aurora bow cases. I just purchased one from Buck hollow and it is very roomy and durable.
I went to a local pawnshop. Hardcase for under $10.00 It has the velcro holddowns inside and has been to Texas and Minnesota numerous times and has been just fine. The SKB does look rugged. Just couldn't part with the $100 plus dollars for the skb.
Here are some others to take a look at muddy.

lakewood bowcases

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Ditto. I just sold a Lakewood with my Trykon. It was the longer A2A version and I wanted something smaller. I think I'll own another just for a shorter A2A bow.

Very good quality cases.
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