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Question about the Pretty Boy


Active Member
Lots of you guys talk about when a tom sees your Pretty boy he comes in running. I've never used one and I guess I'm curious. Why do they do this? When toms roost together and sometimes come in together early in the season, why do some of them get all riled up at seeing a tom in full strut by the hen dec? Is it only toms that are by themselves that come in running? Do they do it just to get in there to put on the show or are they trying to get rid of the other "tom" as well?

All of the hunts I've been part of where we've used decs it's just been a jake and a hen, no tom decoy and the toms just come in slow in full strut, no run like some of you talk about. Any explanation as to why the Pretty boy works so well for some of you and not so well for others?

Just curious...
Its a dominance issue. I have seen some Toms actually run off when they see pretty boy, but it seems the bigger and more dominant birds always come in. In some cases, without Pretty boy, they will hang up. I have shot alot of turkeys that once injured or down, will get spurred over and over by the others., its amazing! They are always looking for an adavantage, to gain a rung on the breeding ladder. If you find that the toms are shying away from PB, you may have a situation where most are subordinate birds, and you may have to change tactics. Both my birds this year were 3-4 yo ad PB worked great, but my buddy bought PB and HATES it, says every bird runs off, still a great decoy, just the wrong time or flock. Same with whitetails, some come running to rattling or decoys, other can't get away fast enough. Its worth a try and the one word answer to your question is dominance!
I dropped the coin and got a Pretty boy this year. So far I'm not to impressed with my success. I use the hen that came with him and two other hen deeks. Every bird so far this year has hung up just out of range. Strutting and gobbling their heads off but finally wandering off with no shot opportunities. The hens have come right in to the set up but maybe there aren't any big mature birds left in my area willing to take Pretty Boy on? /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif I guess the "Right place at the right time" is the best way to sum up turkey hunting.
So far the pretty boy is 50-50. I have had birds want no part of it, and i have had birds running to it. I still would not go to the field without it!
We are getting close to 80 percent positive. Have had very few hang up and can't remember any that have run away. I am guessing at the places they are hanging up, there is a BA bird or a couple different ones that are ruling the roost. We killed a bird three years ago that was doing the same. Once he was gone the gobbling increased as well as the positive responses to decoys.
I am waiting to find the bird beating down the others and take him out. If need be, I'll get a 4th season gun tag to solve that issue. All negatives this year for me so far and that is 8 birds called into visual range, seeing the deke and bolting or staying back 60 yards.

Last year, it was all positives
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Limb Chicken</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I am guessing at the places they are hanging up, there is a BA bird or a couple different ones that are ruling the roost. </div></div>

I totally agree with that!
try putting some fishing line on him, youd be amazed at what a little movement will do!

our success rate is about 75% positive as well. most like it and respond well but some occasionally dont
So you guys with the success...do you think you are having more success with them coming into range because of the pretty boy or are these birds that are responding so well birds that would have come into a regular set up anyway to beat up on a jake?
I have been hunting hard this year with the pretty boy, and have had visual contact with 6 birds that I called in. Each and every bird came into the pretty boy set-up and at around 40-50 yards and hung-up. I have heard so many good things from members on this site of how well the pretty boy works, but I am not seeing the results.

I am guessing that I just have had bad luck and the birds that I did call in were not in the right 'mood'.

If I had a gun then it would be a done deal, but with a bow, 40 yards is too far for me. We'll see what Thursday-Monday mornings bring!
Same results here. Between a buddy and I we have had 1 tom coming running in then he spotted PB and locked them up, turned around and was gone.

Then three toms come in later and hang up at 60 yds gobbling their heads off but eventually moved on.

Then yesterday morning I had two come out of the timber at prly 80 yds and just sit there for a few minutes then turned around and headed back into the woods.

I think I'll give him a little break. I've also wondered about a BA bird ruling these neighborhoods. If that's the case I will set out to kill him. Getting frustrated. But it's great fun.
I have the B Mobile, and so far it really draws the birds in. This is the first year that I have used a strutting decoy and it is great. Seems to really piss the birds off and they come in and try to whoop him, then I miss them and they run off /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
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