Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Question for anyone of this knowledge.



ok yesterday morning i shot a big bck . and as i was following the blood trail i cam across a buck that was dead it wasnt mine but it was a nice 9 wiht alil drop thing. and i was wondering if it was legal to take just the rack because it looked like the buck has been dead for awhile...i was just wonder if it was legal to take it.. and i didnt wanna put my tag on it just for the rack. im a meat hunter..
I don't think it is legal but contact your local game warden...explain the situation and see if they will issue you a salvage tag. Good luck bud...I hope you find your deer or hope he is not hurt too bad.
can't be too diferent than finding a head shed hunting, but it wouldn't be a bad idea to talk to the DNR first
hey guys thanx for the info i called the dnr and they said go get it and they will mail me a salvage tag.
ill be back in like 30 mins wiht it and ill post some pics
hes not a record but a kewl find after a miss.......
Must be one of those judgement call/grey areas. I saw a buck dead in the ditch a couple years ago, called the DNR asking if I could get a salvage tag and they said only if the meat was fit for consumption. Otherwise, they thought rodents needed the calcium...
I might get gang up on for this. Want to state my opinion that I can't say this for sure but just the gut instinct that something's wrong after reading other post made at http://www.iowawhitetail.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=73603&page=0&view=collapsed&sb=5&o=&fpart=1 and then this? You sure its not the same buck you arrowed after you said it has little drop tine & found the buck that has one too. Funny you haven't mention about coming across the deceased buck in that post but this one? I don't know. Not accusing you of anything but just feel that something's not right is all.
MQ1zshooter, I can verify that is not the same deer. He is hunting a large tract of public land, with many guys and im sure someone must not of recovered the deer. It's a shame it happens but it does, I just wanted to verify it, before anyone jumped to conclusions. I have seen the rack of the deer he found, and i know which buck he hit, the are definitely not the same deer
i found this buck in a track of private about 700 yards from the stand i shot my one with the drop tine. and on that buck i made a perfect double lung shot which i dont know how he could make it this far. i know this isnt the buck i shot but iwould have he is a nice buck to be harvested...but my buck has a 3-4 inch drop on the curl not at the tip and it is a perfect well mased 10 i shot.. and this one dose not have a drop it broke the main beam and made like a bubble ill post a pic of it after school.
that pic. makes him look giant but heas only bout 125.. i would have loved to put my tagon it . but the yotes got it before me...
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