Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Question for our Landscapers


Just have a question for any of the landsacpers/salespersons on the site. I'm in the process of fencing in my yard for a play area for the girls and are looking for a rubbery mulch like material like you see at parks in the play areas. It's like it's mulch but its made from a synthetic product. Any ideas where a guy can get some and bout how much in runs. Need about 20'x10'x4". Any help would be appreciated.
West Des Moines at the place on Railroad that sells those big playsets and Goalsetter goals. I am sorry I can't remember the name of the place, but I am pretty sure they sell it.
Thanks a lot for your help guys, I'll give them a call right now. I'll let ya know what I find out.
Thanks again
Wow, just called them, $17.00 for a 40 pound bag. I think they might like regular mulch for $2.00 a 50 pound bag.
When i installed the playground in the backyard for the kids i used pea-gravel instead of mulch. Using regular mulch you will have to add and replace every year. I dug down a bit, added a weed barrier then put 8 or 10 inches of pea-gravel on. Helps the fall, doesnt have to be replaced, but doesnt quite look as good as mulch, but will last as long as your kids are small.

Just an idea for you.............
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