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Question on Homemade.........


Premium Platinum Member
Has anyone used homemade scent killer with any success?

Or has anyone made any cover scent with success. thanks for any feedback
Somebody just posted the recipe last week. Try a search & if you can't find it let me know. It may have come from a different site But I'm pretty sure it was here. Maggs
Scent Kiler - 7.57 litre recipe

3.758 litres (1 gallon) of Hydrogen Peroxide (3%)

3.758 litres (1 gallon) of distilled water. (DO NOT USE TAP WATER!)
473.184 ml (2 cups) of baking soda.
236.592 ml (8 oz) (2 cap fulls) of Sport Wash or unscented soap.

Mix in a large bowl (don't shake up in milk jug) so the baking soda dissolves) and pour into jug.
Let sit open for several days, so the chemical reaction settles down, and don't leave in a tightly sealed container! I use 2 4 litre milk jugs with a screw on cap. I have several used sprayers and fill them from one of the two jugs.

Here's a smaller version of the recipe above if you only want to make a little to try it out:

Scent Kiler - Small
16 oz. (2 cups) Peroxide 3%
16 oz. (2 cups) Filtered water
1/4 cup baking soda
1 Cap full sport wash

Mix in a large bowl (don't shake up in milk jug) so the baking soda dissolves) and pour into jug. Let sit open for several days, so the chemical reaction settles down, and don't leave in a tightly sealed container! I use a 1 litre milk jug with a screw on cap. I have several used sprayers and fill them from the jug.
Make your own cover scent
Gather up leaves sticks dirt and pine needles from your hunting area, take it home and put the mixture in a pot with distilled water. Bring it to a boil and let it stand for a few hours, then pour the water into a empty spray bottle. Another thing that you can do is gather deer droppings. Put them in a plastic baggie and freeze them in the freezer. During bow season, take a little and scatter it around your stand. It does not spook the deer but makes them very curious

Just incase you didn't find it. IAhunter.
I am kind of a "do-it-yourselfer" myself, but doesn't it just seem too easy to just drop a $5 bill and buy the stuff?

With absolutley no disrespect.
Regardless of the cost, pure "do it yourselfers" do JUST THAT!!!

I am going to attempt in the next year or so to make a self bow. It is in my blood to try to "make myself as natural as the beast".

I am still shooting a compound, but am scaling back as my abilities increase. The more info I can get on "doing things the hard way" and following through with it all, the happier I am.

Thanks for the info guys!

If you use as much scent killer as I do, 30$ worth wont go the whole season. I will try the recipe.

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