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question on late muzzle laws


Life Member
i read in the deer reg. booklet that bows are a legal weapon for using a muzzle tag. so my question, is can i fill my bow tags with my muzzleloader?
You can use a lesser weapon on LM, but cannot use a greater weapon on bow tags......
what a load! if you can use a bow to fill a ml tag, you should be able to use a ml to fill the bow tag. there should be a season, where you can fill any unfilled tags

wear out a knight???!?!?!?!! IMPOSSIBLE
why should you be able to use a gun to fill a bow tag? that makes no sense. it says specifically archery only. late muzzle is just a bonus season where you get to use a muzzleloader and it's ACCEPTABLE to use a handgun or bow IN PLACE of your muzzleloader if you want to. i honestly don't understand why you think you should be able to use a gun to fill a bow tag. if this is the case then maybe you should shotgun and muzzleloader hunt rather than use a bow.
just thought it sounded fair...if you can use a bow to fill a muzzle tag, why wouldn't you be able to fill the bow tag with the gun.

and, for your information muddy, i hunt all seasons
why is it fair to fill a bow tag using a gun? it's the whole "lesser weapon" issue here. if a person could do this everyone would buy bow tags and then fill them during the 3 gun seasons. this is just a personal issue here and i'm not one to argue back and forth on the issue, i'm a lover, not a fighter. we'll have to agree to disagree here.
...why is it that many people feel they are OWED a deer when they buy a deer tag?...
Nevermind t-roy on the using a gun to fill a bow tag issue,he was dropped on his head as a baby.....a lot.Seriously though,using a gun to fill a bow tag would be sensless.Then people would be carrying guns to their bow stands for them "out of range" shots.....Come on t-roy,let me give you some bow shooting tips so you feel more comfortable with your bow.........
Muddy-Yeah I know t-roy form back in the day,and now in the present.Speaking of presents t-roy,that zero effect would make me a good one you know.....
trx, if i shoot it, and don't like it, i'll make ya a deal (not likely). i wouldn't even give you the biscuit off my old bow. i guess i could trade you some bow lessons for some shotgun lessons...ankle shooter
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