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Question on Missouri Non-resident Tags

As some of you know, I'll will be attending school this next fall in Maryville, Missouri...for those that didn't, now you do /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif . Anyway I've already been extended the offer to go archery hunting with some of my new teammates. My question has to do with the Missouri nonresident licenses. All that I can find on the web is something to do with 2 turkey tags and 2 deer tags for something like $175. Is there any way to obtain a non-resident single deer license, or do I have to buy the package? For those that have hunted as nonresident in Missouri, what have you done?

This is where I found this information http://mdc.mo.gov/regs/permits.htm .

I promise this is the last question that I will have on here for awhile /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif .
I'm not sure on the regs, but that is one hell of an offer! You must have some standout teammates. Just an observation, if you get 2 turk tags and 2 any sex deer licenses for $175 plus ground to hunt, you're doing okay! Good luck!
It's not too good to be true. Missouri is one of the last places where a nonresident can buy a reasonably priced license over the counter.
When you buy a Missouri Non resident tag, you get 2 any deer tags and 2 turkey tags. One buck may be taken before rifle season, or you can kill 2 bucks after rifle season.

Since you will be in college, Missouri will recongnize you as a resident for the time you will be there. Go to a license vender and show them a photo college ID, and you will have no problems.
Maryville huh? I had two sisters that went to NWMSU. One of 'em probaby still has her name and number scratched into the bathroom stalls. The other, not so much.

Not that this has anything to do with your question, just thought I'd share.

The 'Bonker
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: nannyslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Since you will be in college, Missouri will recongnize you as a resident for the time you will be there. Go to a license vender and show them a photo college ID, and you will have no problems. </div></div>

The question there is that I don't want to be prosecuted for claiming dual residency since I will still be hunting Iowa as a resident. Would that still be a problem? If thats the case, I would much rather pay Missouri NR fees than Iowa's to say the least.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Fishbonker</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Maryville huh? I had two sisters that went to NWMSU. One of 'em probaby still has her name and number scratched into the bathroom stalls. The other, not so much.

Not that this has anything to do with your question, just thought I'd share.

The 'Bonker </div></div>

Haha probably something that she isn't real proud of these days huh? Everyone has their crazy times /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
That is where the gray area is. Some game wardens say it is ok, others don't, but I wouldn't chance it. You probably need to pick a state to be resident, and stick with it.
Buy the Missouri NR tag, and resident in Iowa, its worth the money, hope you have a great year, nothing like going to school and hunting all year! Good luck.
There is some awesome public ground around Maryville. I just live 25 miles north across the Iowa line. If I can help you at all just let me know. What has been said above is true about the tags all you can do is pay your 175 bucks and take both tags no splitting them. You will enjoy the area though I think there is a decent lake east of Maryville for fishing.
$175 is dang near what you pay here for those four tags as a resident. Buy the nonresident tags and have fun.
Not to mention that most counties in Missouri offer unlimited antlerless tags for $7.00 each. That's good for both residents and NR's alike.

Also, I think the price is $150.00 for a NR archery tag. Here's a link to the info I read.
Rack is correct it is $150 for a non res archery. There are alot of deer in the area should be a problem kill a couple of bucks. The doe tag thing is sweet as well.
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