Last year was the first trip of what I hope will turn in to many for me.
While my hunting partner and I never landed any private land to hunt on
The DNR was really great
And while we had some questions on some of the state land as far as where it turned to private it was marked well in most area's.
My hunting partner and I did not score on a deer but we had a great time.
Now for my question if we get tags and I don't think we will with NO POINTS!
Last year we hunted Nov.25th - Dec 3rd
and it seemed that the rut was done for the most part and that is something you all had told us would most likely be the case..turned out at least for us to be on the money. Well this year if we draw we are in the same boat, due to the fact we have a hunt that will run from Nov.7th thru Nov.21st and or Nov.23rd. if we draw our shotgun tags in IL.
The options we have for Iowa are this we could move our hunt in front of the IL. hunt ?? say Oct. 27 thru Nov.4th ?
Our concern with these date's how ever is that it will be HOT and the hunting pressure will be much higher on the statelands and as I noted thats our only option at this time.
We very much enjoyed the weather last year all but that darn WIND !
So what to do stick with late season ?
Or move up and hunt Oct 27 thru Nov.4th.?
What could we run into for weather?
Hunting pressure ??
Thanks again to the local's , and a great DNR for your help.
MXZ a huntN friend from Vermont.
Ps.. I did manage to see a nice buck at a distance beyound my bow ability's that would have made P&Y. And past on a 115 inch 8 point at 15 yards just not what we came 1400 miles for but was great to see..Best of luck to all ..