Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

R.I.P Branco (21 point broken double mean beam?)

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Here's the story, Novmber 27th, 2010 was one of the first sighting(s) of this deer. During 1st Season shotgun I shot at this guy and wasn't sure I got him because I saw him the next three days. Nobody saw him after Dec. 10th 2010 we were all afraid he had gotten poach. But, it ends up he didn't. This morning while I'm sitting on our coach (I'm sick) my Dad tells me a farmer found a dead deer. We went ahead and checked it out when I come up to this guy I was amazed it was him. There sitting in front of me was a dead 21 point What I think is a broken double main beam
buck with four extra drop-tines. He's pure amazing, it was just sad finding him dead because I dont get a shot at him next year.
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There you go josh. Was one hell of a buck
Wow thats a cool looking old buck.Do you think you shot him, but it took a few days to kill him, or someone else hit him during shotgun?Is the farmer keeping it?Better get a salvage tag.
Wow thats a cool looking old buck.Do you think you shot him, but it took a few days to kill him, or someone else hit him during shotgun?Is the farmer keeping it?Better get a salvage tag.

Yes, I think it was me who shot him, but he kept rollin' for a few days. The farmer is letting me keep it. Thanks Erick!
This was a great find because I wanted to find something with a drop-tine by the time I was a Sophmore in high school. I'm currently in 8th grade :p
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