Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



Well-Known Member
If anyone knows of anyone in need of an inside overnight location for tomorrow night (Tuesday overnight in WC), please contact me via cell at 515-297-0731. My wife and I were hesitant to have any overnight visitors staying in my home but this extreme heat has made us second guess our reservations. I have heard that today's ride took it's toll on many, many riders and I think tomorrow's heat index (especially at night) is suppose to be even harsher.
If you know of anyone on the ride and can provide a character reference, please do not hesitate to have them contact me ASAP.
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I rode it back in 05 and I was sweating 24/7 for the first 4 days. Highs were in the 90's and lows in the 80's. I can't imaging riding it this year.
Very nice of you to offer your place BJohnson! Someone will appreciate it very much. I was talking to my wife about how tough ragbrai would be with this heat and to be honest, I don't think the daytime ride would be the killer (as long as you start early and beat the heat). It would be the camping outside in outrageous heat that would be the killer for me. But....I'm not riding so it's easy for me to say:grin:
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